Originally released in March 2020, the free-to-play battle royale Call of Duty: Warzone became a major revenue generator for Activision. In fact, the game has become so popular that War zone really leaned into crossover events with multiple franchises like Terminator, Attack on Titan, and Monsterverse to name a few. However, despite continuing to be incredibly popular with fans, Call of Duty: Warzone has a long history with various problems and bugs.


For most of the game’s life, hacking and cheating were major problems with seemingly no end in sight. While it remains a problem, Activision has released its own anti-cheating system called Ricochet, which seemed to work for a while, at least. Unfortunately, cheat War zone seems to have returned as fans have been criticizing the technology for letting a new wave of hackers invade matches. On top of that, fans have been running into all sorts of weird bugs, including the return of one that was a real plague on the game last year.

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For many Call of Duty: Warzone players, the worst bug to hit the game was the invincibility glitch. Triggered by a variety of methods, such as getting stuck inside a specific pillar in the stadium, this bug made War zone players immune to damage and impossible to kill. As players began to realise, this issue apparently returned in the Season 4 update as new footage surfaced online of a player taking absurd levels of damage and not dropping as expected.

The clip comes from a Call of Duty: Warzone streamer known as TrickyRick who encountered an enemy that simply wouldn’t die. As seen in the footage, not only does Rick put a ton of bullets into the other player, but at one point, the execution move they used is simply ignored as if nothing had happened. Naturally, the other player eliminates Rick and wins the match. Naturally, comments ranged from shock to outrage, as many criticized Raven for allowing this to resurface again.

Some tried to explain the problem, calling it a glitch, or maybe it was another cheat that had escaped Ricochet. With more and more games being ruined by these major issues, some were even looking forward to the release of modern war 2 and Warzone 2 later this year, worrying that this type of issue could be present again when the games are released in full. considering how long War zone has been experiencing strange bugs and glitches, it’s understandable to assume that a game like Warzone 2 probably won’t be immune either.

Call of Duty: Warzone is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Call of Duty: Warzone Season 2 Head disappearing bug explained