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The PS5 is a powerful and unique looking machine, but not many people are a fan of its size. This is why many gamers are waiting for the debut of the PS5 Slim before buying their current generation console.

It’s only a matter of time before the Japanese tech giant releases the smaller and slimmer version of the PS5. They’ve done it before, from the first PlayStation to the PlayStation 4. So the PS5 Slim or PlayStation Slim will appear. The question is, when?

PS5 Slim release date

Traditionally, Sony usually releases their slimmer consoles about 3 years after the release of the big one.

So the PS5 Slim will be out in late 2023 or early 2024.

Overview PS4 Slim

Of course, these are just well-calculated guesses at this point. Sony has not yet suggested about releasing the PlayStation 5 Slim. Nothing concrete is available yet. We haven’t seen any plagues, no company tweets, or substantial leaks.

Why is PS5 Slim important?

Shrinking isn’t the only upgrade that the Slim versions of PlayStations enjoy. Cutting costs is another reason why people are waiting for the mid-generation upgrade, especially when it comes to Sony consoles.

PS4 slim top

Production costs will decrease as production decreases to a routine. The efficiency of the parts will also increase as technology advances, so Sony can make a smaller and sleeker PS5 that is not only compact, but also costs less.

This process of reducing the excess weight has already begun. The new models of the digital PS5 edition are lighter than the previous ones. The reduction is also quite significant, making 300 grams less than the launch model. The company has also redesigned the heatsink that still provides good cooling despite its lighter weight.

Sometimes the weight savings mean removing features from the console. The PS4 Slim famously removed the optical port seen on the launch PS4 model. However, that was the only significant feature of the updated slim version. Let’s hope Sony at least keeps all the key features intact when they eventually bring the PS5 to the cutting table.

PS One Slim

The smaller size combined with more efficient components allows the PS5 Slim to consume less power, run the same graphics and stay cooler during peak performance. This also means that the console doesn’t need extraordinary cooling to avoid being throttled.

People who don’t have a lot of space to store a downright gigantic PS5, want to save a good chunk of money, or both, will find a lot of interest in the PlayStation 5 Slim variant.

PS5 slim price

PS4 Slim

The Slim should be slightly cheaper than the original PS5’s launch price of $499 / £449. The PS5’s slim price should be around $399 / £349.

The PlayStation 5 Pro should be about the same price as the base PS5 model; $499 / £449. If you’d like to learn more about the PS5 Pro, we’ve got a dedicated article detailing the PS5 Pro’s release date and price.

historically speaking, Sony launches its Slim consoles three years after launch of the basic models. But maybe they need a little more time. The PS One Slim lasted 6 years, while PS2 Slim cost 4. Both the PS4 and PS3 had their Slim versions within three years, and we expect Sony to do the same with the PS5.

How slim will the PS5 be slim?

There’s no telling how far Sony will go to make the console compact. However, it will be significantly smaller than the base PS5 to earn its name.

A Youtuber DIY Perks has already made his own version of a PS5 Slim, which looks fantastic. They also used a rather complicated cooling system to keep temperatures down during peak performance.

Sony isn’t going to go that far, but any decrease in size would be a welcome change. While the base PS5 isn’t as big as the usual gaming PCs, it still takes up a lot of vertical space compared to older PlayStations and even the latest Xbox.

PS5 Slim Performance

PS2 Slim

Sony isn’t improving the performance of their Slim consoles. They keep everything compact, run to the same specs and run cooler, but they don’t necessarily increase the console’s graphics output.

Microsoft has done a small power boost in the Xbox One S, but it’s not as drastic as their Xbox One X. Similarly, Nintendo has added a little more power to their Nintendo 3DS.

We don’t see Sony taking a similar step. At the most, expect the console to run cooler and make less noise.

Should you wait for the PS5 Slim?

PS3 smart

It depends on. If you feel like playing Sony games, it makes perfect sense to buy the base PS5 model. You can even get it at a small discount if you buy a bundle. That is, if you can find it in stock and on time.

However, if you’ve waited that long, you can probably wait another year and a half to get a smaller machine that works just as well.

I recommend saving up for the inevitable PS5 Pro. It will most likely launch at the same price as the base model and will have a lot more power. Even if you don’t need that much power, the base model would be sold at a hefty discount by then.


No firm release date has been announced by Sony yet. However, we are sure it will be launch around late 2023 or early 2024.

The chip shortages, logistical challenges, the pandemic and a general increase in interest in gaming made the PS5 scarce. It took a while for most people to get their hands on the latest Sony console, and many are still waiting to get one. Hopefully Sony has ironed out all the challenges and the new consoles will be available immediately.

The PS5 Pro will also launch in the same window. So if you’re looking for a much sturdier console, I’d recommend waiting for that machine. The last generation, the PS4 Pro, was launched 3 months after the PS4 Slim. The wait may also be a little longer this time.

Until then, check out the best PS5 exclusives and the best games available on PS Plus Extra.

We will keep you informed if anything changes.