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When it comes to game culture, it struck me that I don’t see many people talking about the relationship between food and video games. Yes, there are games about food and cooking, and many games have famous dishes and treats in their story. But what about what we eat while gaming?

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If you think about it, finding the right gaming snack isn’t as easy as you might think. Every game has unique needs, be it mental, physical or both. Even at the thematic level, different games have different vibes. For example, I’d feel weird eating lollipops while playing a dark game like Resident Evil. So I decided to get creative and marry some snack and game combinations of my own.


8/8 Street fighter with coffee

As a fighting game fanatic, I’m okay with mixing Street Fighter, or any fighting game for that matter, with a full cup of coffee (or energy drink, if that’s your problem). Unfortunately, I rarely have time to snack when I’m spamming quarter-circle moves and thwarting opponents. However, I have time to sip go-go bean water between periods.

Caffeine is excellent for your reflexes and thinking skills in a match. Maybe I can’t say that scientifically, but I think it helps. At least it gives me that extra boost of energy to yell at my TV screen when the boss does something cheap. Trust me, I’ve nagged many a fighting game boss in the past.

7/8 The quarry with popcorn

I haven’t played The Quarry myself, but I enjoy watching others stream The Quarry. This bizarre werewolf saga is a great time to experience. With so many twists and gruesome mutilations, The Quarry holds its own among the horror classics it draws inspiration from.

I like the classic combination of movies and popcorn. Horror movies and popcorn are an incredibly symbiotic pair, as you can hide behind the bag of popcorn if you feel a scary moment coming. And in a game like The Quarry, other than quick events and exploring environments, you don’t need to use your controller too much. This availability gives you plenty of time to snack on some fluffy popping corn (or drop it on the floor after a terrible jump scare).

6/8 Halo With A Green Smoothie

I don’t play Halo much, but I can imagine that any FPS requires a lot of situational awareness and communication with your teammates. Therefore, your hands should be available for most of your playing time. So for this suggestion, my mind was drawn to options with straws.

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That’s why I recommend a Green Smoothie while playing Halo. Why green? You could say it’s for nutritional purposes. But honestly, I chose it because it’s a Master Chief theme. But if you want to treat yourself, a milkshake with mint chocolate ice cream is a good alternative. Mmmmm, now I want a milkshake.

5/8 Animal Crossing with apples and peanut butter

Animal Crossing is a wonderfully relaxed experience that feels healthy to the core. Whenever I care about my young village, I feel like I’ve accomplished something important. But in a game where you take care of others, you also have to take care of yourself. So a nutritious snack is perfect for any Animal Crossing session.

Peanut butter apples are a staple snack and totally on-brand for Animal Crossing. First, an apple tree is one of the plants you can grow on your island. Plus, this preschool doesn’t match the cute and cuddly aesthetic of the game. Slicing the apples may take some prep time, but you can take your time playing a game like Animal Crossing.

4/8 The Sims With Tea And Cookies

The Sims is another game that does not require advanced reflexes and quick thinking. However, caring for a Sim is a lot of work. For example, have you ever had a Sim get themselves wet because they got stuck on their way to the bathroom? (For God’s sake, Betty, move that damn kitchen chair! It’s not that hard!) In short, caring for a simulated human is stressful work.

A stressful game like The Sims requires a calming snack. That’s why I recommend a delicious herbal tea and a plate with your favorite cookies. Milk and Oreos also work if you’re not a caffeine aficionado. Even if your Sims still can’t control their guts, you can enjoy a soothing chamomile tea while burning their corpses in a locked death chamber.

3/8 Civilization with Cheez-Its

Civilization is a game of strategy, diplomacy and influence. Therefore, any decision requires careful planning and consideration. Additionally, Civilization games can take hours, days, or even months to play through. So this game’s snack combo should be something you can enjoy mindlessly for hours.

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In my mind, Cheez-Its are a good Civilization snack. Of course, Cheez-Its is a biased view, as it is one of my favorite snacks. Still, you can get a lot of chewing time from a family-sized box. Plus, it’s an easy snack to grab and nibble on without distracting from your empire planning. Finally, if you want to snack methodically, you can take a Cheez-It cracker and nibble on the edges like a squirrel with a nut.

2/8 Elden Ring with Takis Fuego

For my snack combinations so far, I’ve focused on snacks that easily fit their respective game. But Elden Ring is not about accommodation. If you don’t know how to snack while taking down enemies, you don’t deserve to eat. Elden Ring is all about challenges. So the snack combination must become one obstacle instead of a provision​​​​.

That’s why I choose one of the most dangerous snacks you can find in a supermarket: Takis Fuego. These powdery, greasy rolled corn chips will turn your controller into a sticky, gooey mess. Plus, a bag of these hot gut bombers will give you the unique sweat that only comes with a bad case of the runs. So if you previously thought fighting Malenia was tough, wait until you hold onto the shards as you clumsily slide your fingers over a greasy Dualshock 4. Does that sound too loud? Guess that means you have to be a good guitar player.

You can sign up for Takis with the Paqui One Chip Challenge if you For real hate yourself.

1/8 Mario party with sour jelly stars

I will be frank. Thinking about this idea made me feel ridiculously smart. Also, I think I’ll try this idea on my next game night.

Okay, here’s my idea! In Mario Party you win by collecting stars. However, in addition to the rush to push your new star into your friends’ faces, collecting stars can feel superficial. But suppose you also won a star in real life? I suggest that the next time you play Mario Party, reward Sour Jelly Stars whenever someone gets a star in the game. Not a sour candy person? That is good! Any star-shaped snack will do, such as star-shaped cookies or star-shaped chocolates.

And if you’re the person who brought the star-shaped candies to Mario Party night, everyone will love you way more than the conniving bastard who wins.

Next: Cooking Simulator: Best Skills