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The Kingdom Hearts series is based on a few stats related to the player’s strength, their magical damage, and the length of the Keyblade. The few stats make the developers take into account all these parts of the game and try to create something special for those who play the game.

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The spells on this list are those in the Kingdom Hearts series that are most useful for the players to use during their journey. Some of these spells also look great when unleashed, causing massive amounts of chaos on the battlefield.


10/10 Sparkga

Sparkga is a spell exclusive to Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, but should be brought back only because of its simple yet beautiful design. The spell summons rings that look like they have crystals on the ends. The rings will grow large and deal damage to enemies around the player.

The attack is fun because each spinning ring seems to constantly change color and damage opponents with a flair.

9/10 Firaga Burst

Firaga Burst is a spell from Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. It’s a spell that only Aqua can cast, but it’s flashy and cool. The spell causes Aqua to place her Keyblade over her; then a giant fireball appears above her head and she starts shooting several smaller fireballs.

It’s a spell that can damage multiple enemies if the player feels surrounded. The spell also ignites enemies, which will cause a constant burst of damage to all opponents who take the effect for a short duration.

8/10 graviga

Graviga is a spell that can deal massive damage if the player learns how to use it properly and which enemies it works best against. The spell first appears in Kingdom Hearts and as it reaches this level the area of ​​effect of the attack becomes much larger than expected.

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This spell looks quite modest, but the Graviga spell can instantly kill certain enemies if the player’s magic damage is high enough.

7/10 magnega

Kingdom Hearts 2 took the Gravity and Stop spells and brought them together to create this one. This spell causes enemies to become entangled in a rotating field of damage that only deals damage if the enemies continue to wander. The beauty is that this spell can be combined with attacks to quickly take out many enemies.

The Magnega range is also becoming huge. This makes it almost impossible for enemies to escape the giant cyclone of death that the player places.

6/10 Aeroza

Aeroza allows the player to summon a giant cyclone accompanied by small tornadoes flying around it, making it devastating to unleash against enemies. The great thing about Kingdom Hearts 3 is that various spells it takes on are just as flashy as this one.

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The spell is fun to watch and, like many other spells on this list, can be appropriate if the players need to quickly destroy a large crowd of enemies or deal a lot of damage.

5/10 Thundaga

Thundaga in Kingdom Hearts 3 gives the players the feeling that they have taken over the lightning powers of Zeus. The magic spell lets the player summon many different lightning bolts that shoot down from the sky and electrocute all enemies in its beam.

The spell is very dangerous as it causes a lot of electricity damage. Also, the way MP works in the game, especially in the late game, can make the players feel like they can cast the spell forever. For a thunderstorm, it’s not as flashy as others, but still pleasing to the eye.

4/10 waterga

Waterga in Kingdom Hearts 3 is very similar to how Aero worked in previous Kingdom Hearts games. The spell gives the players a protective barrier while the attack is being dealt, but it doesn’t keep that barrier on the players for too long. The spell also shoots a large splash of water at the opponent.

The Waterza Situation Command makes the splash bigger than before and extends the protection players get.

3/10 Dark Firaga

Dark Firaga appears before Riku in many of the Kingdom Hearts games, but it’s in Dream Drop Distance and Kingdom Hearts 3: Re: Mind where the spell begins to cool. This spell is exclusive to Riku and will make him shoot a fireball that shatters into small fireballs.

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It’s not the strongest spell the game has to offer, but it’s definitely one of the coolest in the game as it looks like a very unexpected attack with a lot of flashes for itself.

2/10 balloona

Balloonga in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance is the most overpowering spell to ever hit the Kingdom Hearts universe, and it is heartily said. It’s not just this powerful spell, but the other balloon spell counterparts that make the extremely difficult endgame bosses feel like the game’s tutorial bosses.

Players can cause enemies and especially bosses to run into this attack and deal a huge amount of damage to themselves. If players learn to time the attack correctly, this spell will allow them to beat the entire last half of the game.

1/10 Curacao

Curaga isn’t the flashiest spell in the game, but it’s probably the one most players unless they’re complete pros at running the game will use. The spell is used in the same way as other games, as using it takes up all of the players’ magic points, preventing them from casting anything else.

The great thing is that this spell will most likely always save the player from impending death. It’s the one spell players always want on deck to use quickly when situations start to get tight.

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