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People can’t get enough of playing video games and immersing themselves in the huge, richly detailed worlds they see on their screens. While gaming is extremely popular, in recent years there have been concerns about a certain demographic group of players, namely children. In this article, we look at the video games and children’s debate. We discuss whether it is appropriate to ban video games for children and what measures are currently being taken to protect young people from the potential harm that games can cause. First, we look at how video games can be addictive and what effects they can have on children.

Video Game Addiction

For most people, playing video games is an enjoyable hobby. However, for some, video games can be harmful. This is mainly due to their addictive nature. Most video games, especially newer ones, are designed to be immersive and engaging. They pull a player in and ask him to do all kinds of things: for example, defeat bosses, find treasures, complete tasks and explore worlds. When playing a video game, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of content out there and how much it is for you to do. Many players get stuck and spend hours enjoying everything the game has to offer them. Some video games take tens of hours to complete; many of the larger ones can take over a hundred hours of gameplay to get the player near completion. It’s easy to get sucked in and become addicted when a video game demands so much from you.

It’s not just the huge games with lots to do that can become addictive; fast ones, especially the ones developed for the mobile sector, can also make people addicted. Mobile games are usually designed to be played quickly. They are meant to be played on the go, in short, short sessions, and are designed to be played over and over again.

Casino slots are a great example of the type of games often played on phones and tablets. Like other mobile games, they are easily accessible, quick to play and designed to be played repeatedly. You spin the reels and if you don’t win, you spin them again. Many players take advantage of no deposit bonus codes so they can play slots for free and still stand a chance of winning real money.

Both short and long games can be addictive. The companies that develop these games want you to keep playing, so they design their games to encourage you to keep playing. The problem is that it is easy to get addicted and many people get into trouble because they spend too much time gaming. While an excess of video game play can have negative effects on a person’s mental well-being, it can also adversely affect their physical health.

Negative Effects of Video Game Addiction

When children become addicted to playing video games, there can be many effects and consequences that affect their daily lives. Some of the negatives are:

  • Less time spent socializing with other children and family members;
  • Less time spent on other activities such as sports and hobbies;
  • Insufficient social skills due to a lack of interaction with others;
  • Lack of concentration, especially at school;
  • Poorer performance in school subjects;
  • Not getting enough sleep and having trouble sleeping;
  • Less exercise, which can lead to weight gain;
  • become moody or even aggressive;
  • Change in physical appearance.

In severe cases, video game addiction can cause health problems and conditions such as depression, exhaustion and dehydration.

Positive effects of playing video games

After listing some of the negative effects that video game addiction can cause, it’s important to point out that the games aren’t all bad. There are many positives associated with gaming and it can be beneficial to a child’s development in many ways. Here are some of the positive effects of video games:

  • Increased hand-eye coordination;
  • Improved logic and problem solving skills;
  • Faster decision-making;
  • Better able to multitask;
  • More attention to detail;
  • Better brain function.

Video games can be stimulating, especially for young children who are still growing and getting to know the world around them. They can promote all kinds of positive brain activity and can improve a child’s ability to interpret and act on information.

Why are we talking about a ban?

Video games aimed at children are not prohibited as such. Rather, it is the actual playing of the games themselves that has been the focus of prohibitions. While video games can have some benefits for young people, the negative side effects can be too problematic and destructive. Campaigners highlight the negatives and propose a ban so that children are not at risk of becoming addicted and having other problems as a result. Some people feel that children should have more real-world experiences. Today, it is common for children to stare at screens for several hours a day. They have access to:

  • smart phones;
  • home computers;
  • TVs;
  • tablets;
  • Devices at school.

And more. It is very easy for children to be glued to the screen for hours on end. After all, these devices offer countless hours of entertainment. Proponents of a ban on children’s video games want children to spend more time off-screen and engaged with the real world around them. They want children to interact with others in real life, not through devices, and spend time outdoors, running around and playing. In other words, they want children to remain children.

Bans already in effect

China has taken action against the allegedly toxic nature of video games and has imposed limits on the number of players under the age of 18. To protect the health of children and prevent poor school performance, the country limits the chance of gaming under the age of 18 to three hours a week. Video game companies are only allowed to offer their services to minors on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. They may also do this on public holidays.

In China, you can only access internet-based games if you use a real name verification system. This means that to play online multiplayer games you have to submit your name and age to prove who you are; a government-issued ID is also required with this system and China’s ability to block people registered under 18 from internet gaming outside the stipulated one-hour periods. Since this rule only affects online gaming, in theory kids can play games that aren’t based on the internet as much as they want.

South Korea introduced a restriction on children’s video games in November 2011. This was enforced as part of an effort to curb addiction. It appears to have been successful as it was lifted in August 2021. While in place, anyone 16 and under was banned from playing online games between midnight and 6 a.m. In 2014, parents could apply for an exemption for their children.

Bans only go so far

Both bands we’ve mentioned will no doubt have had some positive effects on the kids they’ve affected. These bans were introduced with the best interests of the children in mind. While they may seem authoritarian, they are meant to help the younger generation and keep them away from addiction. The prohibitions only go so far, and they have limits. For example, the South Korean ban didn’t affect console or mobile gaming. That’s why kids could still play as much on their console or phone as they wanted, with no restrictions. The Chinese ban has encouraged many young people to get around it by paying adults to use their accounts. Many children have replaced the time they spend gaming with watching others play video games.

Some children may have benefited from a ban and may have replaced their gaming with other activities. The problem with bans is that they don’t affect everyone in an intended way. In addition, there are many children who are sensible with gaming and do not exaggerate, and these children are eventually punished; they have cut and limited their hours even though they are not addicted in any way.


As we discussed, bans were aimed at preventing children from playing video games; It’s not about banning kid-friendly games. But can these games be banned? It’s very unlikely. A government, as the examples in China and South Korea show, will be more likely to introduce a widespread ban on gaming, rather than instruct companies not to make games aimed at a particular age group.

Most children sensibly play video games without any serious problems. There will always be people who become addicted and need help. The majority should not suffer from a minority of players who have problems. As long as most kids play video games properly and the games don’t affect them, there shouldn’t be any bans at all.