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Want to see a Star Wars Point ‘n’ Click Adventure on Monday’s letter page, as one reader recommends the GoldenEra documentary on the Sky.

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jumping ship
Microsoft/Xbox are leading the way in the future. While Sony has been busy focusing on exclusive games for its console, Xbox has created Game Pass and plans to introduce games to all kinds of developers and gamers, and increasingly to each service as well. Beyond the agenda of delivering games to the people who want them, be it Xbox, PC, phone, etc., Microsoft is pushing us into the future.

Oh, and honestly, I can’t stand the PS Store, it always stays at the original retail price of the games. Have you been to the Xbox Store recently? all kinds of heavy, and I mean heavydiscount game.

I have always bought and played all consoles of every generation from PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo and Atari. I hate Sony’s tricks and actions (in any way other than a better Xbox Series X experience) which I call my PlayStation 5 a good excuse. I sold it cheap and am essentially boycotting the company.

Sony can continue to play its smaller console war games and spend a lot of money on exclusive rights to ensure that only a select few can play their previous games. I’ll end up with everyone else on PC and Xbox to get to know all kinds of games that I’ve never tried before. My PlayStation 5 sat in a corner without playing because I didn’t feel like it. I’ve never been more excited about playing with Xbox.
David Willey

not now
I am a long time gamer, I have played Xbox and PlayStation for years. I’ve been a PlayStation guy since the release of PlayStation 4 and I’m seriously thinking about quitting. I have over 200 games all bought from the PlayStation Store, so I’ve been a pretty good customer.

But the new PS Plus is ridiculous for the system; Like many others, I went from premium to extra in a month.

What happened to games like Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell? Were all sports great and resistance 1, 2 and 3 or medal of honor? These are some of the games I was hoping to see in the Classic catalog, but no, not at all. It’s just a mixed PlayStation Now. There were also games on PS Now you can’t go to the new tier system like Metal Gear Rising and many others which I think is ridiculous.

license to apologize
Came across the documentary GoldenEra on Sky on Saturday about the making of GoldenEye 007 on the N64, and the individuals involved (many of whom came straight from college), Rare, and what came next for the industry as a whole. .

A great watch, with tons of great behind the scenes stories. A notable one was a phone call with Shigeru Miyamoto, where he asked Rare to add a scene at the end of the game where you went through a hospital and apologized for all the people you shot. is killed. And the second is a cartridge with all the Bond actors on which the developers played multiplayer to see who was the last Bond.

What’s hilarious is that there are even some scenes where what they’re talking about has been enhanced using images from the game.

highly recommend!

Marketing 101
As much as I sympathize with the people who made GTA 6 after the leak, I have to say it’s not a good idea for Rockstar to act like a petulant kid. They always really do, but forbid people to say the words GTA 6 on Twitch and whatever crazy.

The leak didn’t really leak anything, unless you think the setting is going to be a huge spoiler, but hey, just drop a teaser trailer and let the story take control of itself. Isn’t it nice when people talk about your game? Though I think they are afraid that people will stop playing GTA Online (ie spend money) once they realize GTA 6 is a thing.

I don’t really see why that would happen, but start adding some teasers and new GTA 6 related items anyway. This will probably be played by more people than ever before. These things are obvious, aren’t they?

Email your comments to: [email protected]

Hollywood influence
Whatever Super Mario movie ends – and I think we’re all preparing for the worst right now – I hope it’s not one of these situations where the game went before it became popular. Start copying or not.

I’d be especially wary of them replacing Charles Martinet, who’s now starting a bit with a Chris Pratt soundalike. Tell me this isn’t something that sounds exactly like they would?

I’m still mad that Nintendo switched to using the rare version of Donkey Kong for everything once Donkey Kong country games were a hit. I wish they went back and I have a bad feeling we’re going to be talking about Mario too soon.

two flavors of science fiction
It’s great to see that the return of Lucasfilm Games is in the works and they aren’t just releasing Star Wars games and nothing else. Disney has received some pretty good criticism, but in this case I’d say it’s clear that buying Lucasfilm didn’t do any good for the games division.

It was previously discontinued and only did Star Wars games anyway, but now we have new games, sequels, remasters… in the works. I’ve beaten Return to Monkey Island now and while it’s not as good as the first three, it’s definitely close and a well deserved sequel.

I want to see what Lucasfilm does next, although The Digg has something in his vein. Not a sequel, as the original was very flawed, but a more serious game that was still a real puzzle adventure graphic. If that game had been better, I think it could have been really impressive. But unfortunately it got stuck between two chairs and didn’t really find its voice.

Though I’d love to see a serious Telltale-style story with real gameplay. It’s not hard science fiction, but I’d like that too. And then later they can do the Star Wars point ‘n’ click that was rumored about with the original actors in the 90s, but it never happened. Although I have a feeling that some of them won’t come back now.

remastered topic
Remake/remaster is still a trend in video games. Some remakes/remasters are great, sure, some may even be redundant, but it’s hard to argue that they’re actually pointless or worse, like Hollywood.

How about a hot topic on a topic? I’ll get the ball rolling by naming the GameCube’s Resident Evil as the best video game remake ever.
bad editing

GC: We did it in July.

first day problem
That’s not good news from Sony, which says Stray was an “anomaly” for the PS Plus. I think everyone can understand why they didn’t put their first party game on PS Plus on day one, but I thought Stray was a clear sign that they were ready to make do with third party games. Goods? It seemed like it was going pretty well and getting more attention than the game itself? so what’s wrong?

The answer is no, I don’t know what Sony is playing right now, but they don’t want to give people what they want. No news, no actual communication, and no explanation for whatever the PS Plus should be.

Seriously, they would have been much better off just not rebooting, because with little effort this mess did a lot of damage to their reputation I guess. The stuff is particularly confusing, with the lack of retro games. Barely at launch, less after… Was it the plan or did something go horribly wrong? It will say it is anyway.

If I were Sony, I’d sign up some promising indie games on PS Plus Extras for the first day and try to earn some kudos because they really need to win back fans as soon as possible.

inbox bhi rans
I still can’t believe there’s been such a big leak with GTA 6 – that someone is probably going to jail, and we didn’t learn anything interesting from it! Hope it was worth it?

I’m all for more single player games, but why not make a team-up game with two superheroes and then make it a little weird? That would seem like the whole point.

This week’s hot topic
The topic of this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Jericho, who asks What do you want from the Switch 2?

Despite the rumours, it’s inevitable that there will be a new Nintendo console in the next few years, but whatever form you want it to take, both physically and how powerful it is and how much it will cost.

Now that there are several portable consoles that look similar, how do you think Nintendo should react and what are the main changes and improvements over the current Switch? Or would you like to see a new console that was completely different?

Email your comments to: [email protected]

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New inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with a special Hot Topic inbox on the weekend. Letters from readers are used on merit and are editable in length and content.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600 word Reader feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which will appear on the next available weekend when used.

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MORE: Weekend Hot Topic: The Best Sci-Fi Video Games

MORE : Games Inbox: Forget the launch of Cyberpunk 2077, Bloodborne PS5 Illusion and Splatoon 3 Love

MORE: Games Inbox: PS5 as the best console ever, Saints Row 2 reboot and Switch 2 in doubt

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