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Xenoblade Chronicles is one of the greatest RPG series ever – one game in this series has more content than any other game put together. Each entry is like a huge helping of pure, cheap JRPG goodness, with endless serious stories and an avalanche of side missions to pursue, weapons to forge, and unique enemies to fight.

RELATED: Every Game in the Xenoblade Series, Ranked

It’s no surprise, then, that these games have no shortage of memorable quotes ranging from the silly to the heartfelt. But among the piles of text in the Xenoblade Chronicles series, which lines stand out the most?


10/10 “I really feel it!”


Aside from the vast worlds and plethora of side missions, the Xenoblade games are perhaps best known for their plethora of strange battle quotes – snippets of character speech played before, during, and after battles under certain circumstances.

Shulk’s “I’m Real” feeling it!” is one of the most repeated battle quotes from the first game, and its enthusiastic delivery will have it stuck in your head long after you’ve completed the quest.

9/10 “I love myself, and I’m people.”


Rex is the hero of the second game, and his cheerful demeanor contrasts with the difficult lives of the other characters and the pain he and the company experience on their journey; considering that Rex briefly dies during the game’s opening hours, it’s all the more remarkable that he retains a sense of optimism.

This quote highlights Rex’s can-do spirit and underscores the wonder at the heart of the series. After all, these are adventure games on the backs of giant titans – what could be more amazing than that?

8/10 “You hear that, Noah? Lanz wants something meatier!”


In the months following the release of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, this quote became something of a meme – for starters, Eunie’s voice actor has a strong Cockney accent, giving the quote an almost hypnotic rhythm.

RELATED: Every Hero in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Ranked

Plus, this is a quote you’ll hear endlessly during the game’s opening hours. There are fewer battle quotes in Xenoblade 3 than in the previous entries, meaning this line is definitely hammered into your brain; it is memorable because of sheer repetition.

7/10 “Handling a Man’s Tortoise!”


Zeke is one of the quirkiest characters you’ll come across in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. He’s an exiled prince of an illegitimate royal family, and these experiences have given him a cynical attitude towards the world, but he covers that cynicism with a certain goofy bravado.

On his first encounter with the troupe, he introduces himself, his Blade and his pet turtle Turters… but Turters is nowhere to be found. When Pyra picks up a little cute turtle that is crawling next to her, he sprints over to her, looks her dead in the face and says this sentence before running away. It’s totally weird, and totally hilarious.

6/10 “Born in a world of struggle! Against the odds! We choose to fight!”


Said by Dunban when using the Blossom Dance ability in battle, this is another line you’ll hear a lot, and it’s so absurd and exaggerated that it becomes charming again; After all, if you’re fighting random monsters to grind up some level-ups, why would Dunban insist on an almost poetic phrase?

It also highlights Dunban’s strength as a wounded ex-soldier, but it’s especially great because it’s stupid.

5/10 “I’m the girl with the gal!”


This is another one of those repeated battle quotes that will get stuck in your head because of how often you’ll hear it, but it also fits Sena’s character perfectly: she’s one of the youngest party members in the game, and one of the shortest, at.

But her stature belies her strength, allowing her to wield some massive weapons – hence she’s a girl, but she’s got bile. All Xenoblade games are about using inner strength to overcome great odds, and this quote highlights that theme on a smaller level.

4/10 “Your blade… it didn’t cut deep enough.”


Spoken by Egil, one of the antagonists of the original Xenoblade Chronicles, this line is one of the most memorable quotes from the game, as it’s spoken when it looks like you’ve defeated him; Shulk stabbed him with the Monado, while Egil’s sister, Vanea, joined Shulk’s cause to stop Egil’s campaign of destruction.

Egil is at his lowest right now, but instead of surrendering, he just grins. When he says this line, he grabs Shulk by the head with one arm and removes the Monado from his body with the other; it’s one of the most dramatic moments in the entire series.

3/10 “So look up, look ahead to your chosen horizon and just keep walking.”


Unlike the lighter, more optimistic tone of the second game, Xenoblade 3 has a darker quality; the setup follows a group of characters whose lives are limited from birth and who only know the stress and pain of constant warfare.

RELATED: Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Things Only Players Of The Previous Games In The Series Have Noticed

Noah’s journey to understand the world and change his destiny leads him to literally reset the universe, choosing his own path instead of being bound by the limits of his body. This quote highlights the game’s hard-won, bittersweet resolution.

2/10 “I love this world because… you’re in it.”


Pyra is an interesting character; as a Blade, she is literally an object used by Rex in his battles, but she is also personified with her own feelings and thoughts. The game doesn’t really explore this dichotomy with grace, but you can see this as the root of Pyra’s modesty and self-doubt.

She says this line to Rex towards the end of their journey, highlighting how much their travels have changed her — that she’s gone from doubting her place in the world to finding a home in it.

1/10 “Today we use our strength to defeat a God, and then… Seize our fate!”


This line is spoken by Shulk at the end of the first Xenoblade Chronicles, and also reappears during the climax of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Using it in both games helps make it memorable; although the games all take place in alternate universes, this line helps to connect the different worlds.

Plus, the series has gained an impassioned fan base for how openly they embrace JRPG silliness – every Xenoblade game is about using the power of friendship to save the universe. This quote is the whole series in a nutshell.

UP NEXT: Xenoblade Chronicles: The Series’ Most Underrated Characters