Sports games can be for a specific audience as they mimic the realism of the sport and the players who would enjoy them are usually sports fans. In addition, many sports games quickly become popular and even highly regarded. However, many games like Rocket League have made the genre more fun and in turn they have cast a wider net meaning more players can play these types of games. In addition, sports games are becoming more experimental, allowing developers to think outside the box. A good example of this experiment is in the latest rollerskater shooter hybrid Roller dream. A game that places players in arenas, armed with weapons, and shoots NPCs in some sort of televised sporting event.
The only thing that separates rollerdrome from other games in his realm like roller champions, is the fact that the former makes the player fight, and that adds a new element to the gameplay. Instead of focusing on the sporting aspect of the game, rollerdromes main attraction is the battle. Combat comes with weapons, and the game includes them. As I write this, rollerdrome contains only four weapons, one of which is already unlocked. Still, even with the limited number of weapons, the game is quite fun, and the weapons make it even better. However, players should keep in mind that not all weapons are created equal. This list will help players figure out their strengths and how they affect gameplay.
5 Crossbow
The reason this weapon is high on the list is that unfortunately the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. But the pros justify themselves by letting players try out this crossbow. The most important thing about rollerdrome is that it’s all about momentum, an element that made other games so much fun: Skate fun to play and well received. So the main problem with the crossbow that dampens the whole experience is that it has a slow firing rate. This means that the best way to use it would be for players to use the reflex time mechanism, which slows down time.
On the other hand, as mentioned before, although it is a slow firing weapon, it does quite a bit of damage. If players use a strategy like using the reflex time and gain momentum which is also a winning strategy in other games like roller champions, then taking out enemies becomes smoother. But the best way to use this weapon is from a distance, and understand that they take time between shots. But if each shot hits, enemies will go down a lot faster.
4 shotgun
rollerdrome features a wide variety of enemy types, some with melee weapons and others with guns. This does change how the players play rollerdrome because they have to react differently based on which enemy they’re up against. On the more difficult levels, they will be a wide assortment of enemies, overwhelming players. However, the shotgun is a great way to alleviate that. For example, because snipers have lower health and are considered special enemies that go down faster.
Shotguns can work quickly with them, and they have a larger blast radius that allows players to chain attacks. However, it is something that players can miss first to go after special types of enemies, which in turn can make the game difficult to play. If players choose to use the shotgun, they should keep in mind that they have to play more aggressively, especially since the shotgun doesn’t have a good range. Fighting closer to the enemy can cause problems with other weapons in roller dream, but with the shotgun with a lot of damage, it will be much easier to get up close and personal.
3 Grenade Launcher
While it’s not as useful for solo enemies, it does have the advantage of being able to take out groups of enemies, and then some. The reason the grenade launcher is above the shotgun is because of its versatility. One of the reasons why rollerdrome is compared to iconic games such as Skate is that it contains the same elements. Like doing moves like crunches or tricks, which help replenish the player’s ammunition supply. If players use this mechanism with the others, such as reflex time, they can be unstoppable.
Unlike the shotgun, where it’s only good in a specific way, players can be more liberal with the grenade launcher. One of the effects of the grenade launcher is that it has splash damage, which means that if a player shoots at one enemy, everyone around him will also be hit and possibly go down. Therefore, the grenade launcher can create breathing space and combos for the player. One aspect that may annoy players: rollerdrome, is that all weapons use the same ammo, but as mentioned before, ammo is refilled when players do cool stuff, so that can be very useful. Once the ammo runs out, players just have to grind consistently, then everything comes back.
2 Double pistols
rollerdrome like Roller champions has everything to do with having and keeping momentum. Because that helps players to make combos and makes the level easier. The dual guns are a great highlight of that, because if players move and keep their speed constant, players can fight more fluidly. The reason the Dual Pistols are high on this list is because of their well-balanced balance and how they empathize with the player’s movements.
This is done by making players fight more stylishly, and that comes from their rate of fire. The downside, though, is that while they’re fast, they don’t deal any damage, so players have to shoot and move around constantly. And with the addition of reflex time, players can hit more targets at any distance. They will spend a lot of time with the dual pistols as it is already unlocked at the start and takes less skill to master. In addition, just like the grenade launcher, it allows players to be extremely versatile, allowing them to be more aggressive while playing.
rollerdrome is available on PS5, PS4 and PC.