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The arcade classics have stamina for a reason. Be it platformers, racers or fighting games, each of these games acted as a magic key that unlocked fun and excitement for millions of gamers. Many of them remain just as nice today. While most of these series have evolved, the best ones are still true to their magical roots.

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Pac-Man World Re-PACis a remaster, updating the Pac-Man legacy with more depth, a 3D environment and special powers that the original character could only have dreamed of. While the basics of this platformer might be easy for some, there are always tips and tricks to make the experience a little easier for new players. Here are some great beginner tips for those who start with Pac-Man World Re-PACFor the first time.


6 Polish the base

Pac-Man World Re-PAC is a remaster, so fans of the original games won’t be thrown for loops. The graphics may have been improved, but the rest of the gameplay stays true to the original. Players only familiar with Pac-Man of the original arcade game, however, will have to catch up.

Re-PAC is a mascot platformer, so the focus here is on guiding the star of the game through a series of levels populated by frequent battles, light puzzles, and the ubiquitous platforming action. It may be more complicated than running through a maze and eating pellets, but the basics aren’t hard to pick up. Staying aware of your surroundings is the first big step. This may not be one of the hardest platform games, but a plunge to death is always around the corner for those who aren’t paying attention.

5 Use your skills

To help him defeat enemies and navigate each level, Pac-Man is equipped with several unique abilities, including the Butt-Bounce, Rev-Roll, PAC-DOT Attack, and Hover-jumping. Using each of these skills well is one of the most important parts of Pac-Man World Re-PAC, especially since the player often has to use all of these skills in combination to get past the more difficult areas of the game.

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The Butt Bounce is an aerial dive bomb that the player can use to crush enemies. More importantly, it can be used to trigger pressure-sensitive switches.Rev-Roll is a Sonic-style sprint move that can be used for quick moves. PAC-DOT is a ranged attack where Pac-Man throws dots at his target. gliding-jumping is arguably the most important skill, as this flutterkick in the air allows Pac-Man to avoid falling, making it quite useful for many platforming areas.

4 Watch the camera

Platform games come in many different forms. Top-down and isometric games are common, giving the player a bird’s eye view of his surroundings, while first-person platformers are rare, intense, and often quite difficult due to the limited field of view this POV creates. Pac-Man World Re-PAC uses a scripted camera, like many other mascot platformers, and automates the camera process.

The good news is that this allows the player to keep his focus while making precise jumps. The bad news is that this camera often causes the player to experience problems with depth of field and misjudge jump distances. Indeed, the camera is more likely to kill the player than ghosts. The best solution is to just be aware of the problems caused by the camera and do your best to anticipate them, take an extra moment to slow down and double check any jumps before jumping into the unknown.

3 Don’t fixate on enemies

The threat of enemies is everywhere in platform games, as is the frequency of their appearance. In some games, enemies rarely show up but pose a pressing threat when they do, forcing the player to divert most of their attention to eliminating or escaping these dangerous enemies before taking the player to the Game Over screen treat. In other games, enemies pose so little threat that they might as well not be there.

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Enemies aren’t exactly toothless in Pac-Man World Re-PAC, but they don’t pose much of a threat either. Most of the time, the player can safely ignore enemies or them with barely a second thought. This is for the best, as it allows the player to focus on making their jumps and gobbling up all the collectibles available. Keep enemies in mind, but don’t spend too much time worrying about them.

2 Anticipate the shakiness

Some platformers have built a reputation for pixel-perfect collision detection and silky-smooth controls. In games like this, the player can make split-second jumps to even the most precarious ledges and trust that he will hit his target. The more precise the mechanics of the game, the better the player can perfect his platforming skills.

Into the platform Pac-Man World Re-PAC is nice, but it’s not exactly precise. Hitboxes can vary slightly and the controls aren’t perfect – two factors that, combined with the scripted camera, mean the player will never have perfect control. While this can cause frustration at times, it’s not worth dwelling on as it’s by no means game-breaking. Keep the focus on the fun and keep moving. Missing a few jumps due to lopsided mechanics won’t hold Pac-Man back for long.

1 Collect everything

The original Pac-Man was all about dodging ghosts in a maze as the player gobbled up every fruit and yellow grain in sight. ‘s 3D shenanigans Pac-Man World Re-PAC may seem very different from what happened in those original arcade cabinets, but in many ways not much has changed. Like other mascot platformers, the focus here is on traversing levels and picking up all the collectibles along the way.

In addition to giving the player a higher score, some of these collectibles grant Pac-Man temporary bonuses, such as the Metal Pac-Man power-up that makes him invulnerable to enemies for a short time. The player should always keep an eye out for collectibles nearby. New players will probably miss a lot of it at first, but the better players learn the levels, the more consistently they’ll be able to grab these goodies and high scores to join in.

Pac-Man World Re-PAC is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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