The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim it was a landmark release when it was first released in 2011, and the game’s popularity has persisted to this day. In truth, Skyrim returned to the sales charts recently, proving that gamers are still eager to explore the game’s massive open world, even a decade after its release.

Young Skyrim players are still discovering the game, like the girlfriend of Reddit user SuspiciousPop1066. In a Reddit post that has 6,000 upvotes at the time of writing, SuspiciousPop1066 explained how they gave their girlfriend their copy of Skyrim. About a month later, they showed up at the girlfriend’s house. Skyrim save to check your game progress, and they found something quite bizarre in your basement.


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For unknown reasons, SuspiciousPop1066’s girlfriend decided to fill up her basement. Skyrim house with buckets. So many buckets, in fact, that it seems to be causing some game sluggishness issues, if the Reddit user-submitted clip is anything to go by. Buckets are useful for covering the NPC’s eyes whenever someone wants to steal without getting caught, but there’s no practical reason to accumulate so many of them in one place.

However, SuspiciousPop1066’s Girlfriend Is Far From The First Skyrim player to accumulate a lot of a specific item in his house. Many members of Skyrim community have shared similar exploits over the years, such as a player who filled his Breezehome house with cheese. Other times Skyrim players filled their houses with books, and in one case, they even filled their house with Elder Scrolls.

In addition to the bucket mass in the clip, the clip also shows that SuspiciousPop1066’s girlfriend got Serana as a follower. Serana, for the uninitiated, is a vampire in Skyrim that players can recruit by completing the dawnguard DLC And while it wasn’t specified in the post, it appears SuspiciousPop1066’s girlfriend has set up the Honeyside house in Riften as her base of operations and designated place to hoard buckets.

It will be interesting to see if Elder Scrolls fans are able to do similar shenanigans in the next game. As it stands, Bethesda has revealed very little about The Elder Scrolls 6 or what it will offer from a gameplay standpoint, so it’s unclear if players will be able to buy and live in their own homes as they can in Skyrim. The feature is likely to return, however, and players are also likely to be free to fill their houses with whatever random objects they want, including buckets.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim – Anniversary Edition is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X.

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