Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has no shortage of fantasies you can introduce. Given Moon Knight’s growing popularity, it would be fun to see Arachknight. With Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man getting a lot of love after the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home, the amazing spiderman 2 costume would also be a worthwhile inclusion. And, of course, there’s the long-requested Symbiote suit to consider.

With a huge costume lineup that is sure to be present, especially with two playable Spider-Men being featured in the story, Insomniac should go the extra mile to ensure a large chunk of the costumes have some narrative weight behind them. While obviously there will be outfits so absurd that they’ll have to be treated as bonus costumes, part of the Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 the formation of costumes must be justified within the story.


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Some of Marvel’s Spider-Man The best moments of the series are related to the suit. In the original game, creating Peter’s advanced suit is treated like a big deal, with his first tour of the city being unforgettable. Another memorable costume moment comes at the end of the game, when Peter designs the Anti-Ock Suit, a costume made from the same material as Doctor Octopus’ tentacles.

This trend continues in Spider-Man: Miles Morales, which has two strong moments of its own. The first is playable as it shows Miles swinging around the snowy version of New York City in his first suit, which was a crude design made by Peter. The other costume-related sequence comes later in the game, and sees Miles creating his own costume, with the iconic black and red colors creating an amazing design. With every game so far having some great clothing-related moments, it’s a trend that’s bound to continue.

Costumes that should be a fundamental part of the narrative of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

The costume that needs to be the most important to the story is, without a doubt, the Symbiote Suit. Fans have been waiting since 2018 to see Insomniac’s version of the costume, and it can be assumed that the long wait to wear the outfit is because it will be introduced during the main story. When it finally debuts, players should see its impact on Peter firsthand, with his attitude slowly changing as he dons the suit. Peter’s corruption of the symbiote suit can and should be the focus of the story, and just like the advanced suit now has iron spider legs, the symbiote suit should add some abilities to the mix.

Anti-Ock suits must also be created for the two main threats in the story, Kraven and Venom. As it can be assumed that Peter will have more fights with Venom since he has a close connection to his host, Miles will likely be the one to clash with Kraven more often. If Miles can get an anti-Kraven suit, it could amplify his cloaking and electricity abilities to make it too much for Kraven to handle. It could also be more durable against the villain’s spears and other weapons. As for Peter’s anti-Venom suit, he could give him sound and fire attacks, letting him exploit the Symbiote’s two weaknesses.

By giving Miles and Peter special costumes to defeat major villains, Insomniac will continue to make alternate costumes vital to the main narrative. Also, if the rumor about Symbiote variants of all the costumes in the game is confirmed, the developer will do its best to emphasize the costumes in the game. This could only be a good thing, as it would give players and characters a proper reason to switch costumes throughout the story.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is scheduled to be released in 2023 for PS5.

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