Hunt down and defeat the protagonist’s rival Wei Long at Loopmancer’s Tang Dynasty Hotel as he dons a Mech and fires missiles at players.

One of history’s enemies in loopmancer is Wei Long, which players find at the Tang Dynasty Hotel in Dragon City. Wei Long is one of the main antagonists in loopmancer who is wanted for the disappearance of journalist Lisbeth. The main character, Xiang Zixu, chases Wei Long throughout the city, having to fight other bosses who get in the way before the final confrontation. However, when players get to Wei Long, they will have to fight him on a giant mech, making the fight that much more difficult.

In addition to Wei Long having something to do with the journalist’s disappearance, he is also responsible for the disappearance of Zixu’s wife and the death of their daughter. Inside from Loopmancer opening sequence, we see Xiang Zixu chasing Long in the tutorial, only to die before fighting him. Zixu has a flashback to his wife and daughter, only to wake up in bed. We then learn that the protagonist has the ability to loop through time, hence the game’s title.


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When players finally meet their rival Wei Long, they fight in an ornate hotel. Players will need to dodge and attack when Wei Long is most vulnerable. In addition to dodging, players must set up an Auto Turret to aid in the fight. There are no brute force enemies like Wei Long in loopmancerso players need to balance dodge with attack.

How to beat Wei Long in Loopmancer

Loopmancer Wei Long Boss Fight

Wei Long will jump on a Mech to fight Xiang Zixu in loopmancer. Wei Long has four main abilities that players need to watch out for, although they are telegraphed, so players can effectively avoid them:

  • bouncy smash – the mech will jump and fall to the ground. The lower Wei Long’s HP, the more hits he will make in succession. When the Mech hits the ground, a shockwave will be fired, so keep your distance and retreat to avoid getting hit.
  • missile barrage – if players are further away from Wei Long, Long can jump in the air and shoot missiles at players. The missiles will target the players last location, so dodge out of the way.
  • shrapnel mines – Wei Long can also drop explosive shrapnel mines on the ground, which will explode in a few seconds, so avoid them.
  • Bulldozer – Wei Long can attack the player from a distance. It will target the players last location, then hit it from the other direction, so make sure you dodge out of the way.

Once Wei Long makes an attack, he will be vulnerable right away. Take this opportunity to kill him. Once players defeat Wei Long, they will get his E-Brain and learn about the location of the missing journalist, Lisbeth. from Loopmancer The story changes here, however, as Zixu will also discover that his wife is still alive, so players will need to choose which of the two ladies to rescue, and the choice will change the end of the game.

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loopmancer is currently available on PC and will be released on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X | S and Switch later this year.

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