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‘s drip feed Pokemon Scarlet and purple information continues as they pull toward release. Game Freak’s Marketing Strategy for the Ninth Generation of pokemon games is different, but can play to their strengths. Pokemon Scarlet and purple are intended to be an open-ended adventure like the series has never seen before, so it makes sense to hold onto the sense of discovery for as long as possible. Even if this seems to have contributed to more leaks and rumors than ever, the results may still be worth it in the end.


While it’s been a while since a major trailer has been released, another short video has been released featuring a new Pokemon for the Diglett lookalike Land Eel Pokemon, Wiglett. This new creature is the first in a series of Pokemon that leaks have referred to as regional fakes. Even though they look like existing Pokemon, they just evolved similar traits due to shared circumstances. There will likely be more creatures calling back to previous generations, and combined with existing regional variants, it feels like pokemonThe past is more in the spotlight than ever.

RELATED: How the Next Pokemon Legends Game Could Improve Regional Variants

Pokemon will be offering new versions of old monsters for a while

The pokemon franchise has run some experiments to make the old selection feel like new again. The first came in Generation 6 with Mega Evolutions, giving a number of Pokemon additional forms that could theoretically be their next evolutionary phase. There was a pronounced preference for Generation 1 Pokemon in this set, and that trend would continue in most cases of renewing old Pokemon. Sun and Moon‘s Z-Moves contained some attacks that could only be used by specific first and seventh generation Pokemon. Even Super Smash Bros. uses a disproportionate number of Pokemon from the first few generations.

However, all of this pales in comparison to the other new feature that Generation 7 has introduced. Regional variants allowed for old Pokemon to be brought back with new designs, habitats, and abilities. Sometimes this included new evolutions, but sometimes the whole line consisted of regional versions. Updates to Generation 1 Pokemon were common and the list is growing game after game. Meowth even got two different variants in Sun and Moon and Sword and Shield. Combined with Sword and Shield‘s Gigantamax mechanic that gives some older Pokemon even more new forms continues to have a tendency to push certain old monsters.

RELATED: Pokemon: Pikachu Should Get Regional Variants

Regional counterfeits expand Pokemon’s ability to reuse species

While it hasn’t been officially codified yet, regional counterfeits are another way to bring back old Pokemon. With Wiglett being a regional variant similar to the furry Alolan Diglett, the Diglett line now has three variants. It’s surprising to see a less common old Pokemon treated with so much publicity and a new way to reuse old designs. Diglett is certainly not unpopular, but it pales in comparison to franchise mascots like Pikachu and Eevee.

The bottom line seems to be that Game Freak is expanding on what it means to be a mascot Pokemon. Now any fairly popular Pokemon can get more attention by treating it like Pikachu. From the beginning, Pikachu received many special forms and benefits through various pokemon media, including variations such as Surfing Pikachu and Flying Pikachu. Pokemon Gold and Silver introduced its pre-evolution Pichu, and it received a lot of one-off gimmicks like Z-Moves and a Gigantamax form. However, it has also been made into a template for other Pokemon. Regional forms and regional counterfeits may extend this treatment to every Pokemon, but also justify not having to produce a new one for each subsequent generation.

Where is Pokemon going with classic Pokemon variants

There seems to be a gradual effort to expand what it means to be a mascot in pokemon, and the number of samples that received this label. Pikachu went through the process first and other monsters gradually added to it. What happens to creatures like Diglett and Meowth has happened to Mewtwo and Charizard before, and there are likely plans to spread this further. It is likely that other Pokemon that already have alternate forms will get new ones Pokemon Scarlet and purple. The existence of multiple ways of interpreting old species will only speed up the process, but it should lead to more Pokemon species getting attention.

The two big questions right now are whether considering many Pokemon as mascots goes beyond the first few generations, and whether these recycled designs will fill new rosters. pokemon as a franchise has a reputation for giving in to fans of the original few titles, so hopefully regional variants and regional fakes can give less popular Pokemon a new lease of life. This process is likely to remain a gradual affair and may even allow for larger rosters in future generations, depending on how easy it is to create a variant. In any case, it will be interesting to see which Pokemon are elevated to the center by Scarlet and purpleand what form they will take.

Pokemon Scarlet and purple launches on November 18, exclusively for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: 10 Pokemon That Earn Regional Variants