While Crash Bandicoot may have had a lot of success on the Playstation, there’s another Sony star who’s almost on the hip with Crash – Spyro the Dragon – to the point where there is talk of new games for them. With his flaming breath and spunk, Spyro has made its way into the hearts of gamers since it first debuted in the late 90s.
Spyro is so loved that fans have created several memes online related to his series. Whether it’s making fun of a particular character, or even expressing distaste for Skylanders, these are memes that most Spyro fans can agree on.
Spyro vs Ripto
Gnasty Gnorc may be the first great villain Spyro ever saw, but Ripto is the dragon’s most persistent enemy. An evil dinosaur accompanied by his henchmen Crush and Gulp, Ripto has appeared in Ripto’s rage and Enter the dragonfly – only to get his ass kicked at the end of both adventures.
After you first met his end at the hands of Spyro, you’d think Ripto would give up on opposing the dragon, especially after he fell into lava and all. But if his return in Enter the dragonfly showed, this man clearly hadn’t learned his lesson.
Not knowing how to fly
since Spyro is a dragon, you expect him to know all the basics of flying, right? However, in many of his games, Spyro needs a short refresher course to learn how to do things like glide and hover. Things that even the most basic dragons can do.
It’s one thing to learn flying skills from Ignitus, a dragon elder who serves as Spyro’s mentor in The Legend of Spyro series. But it’s another thing to get directions from Hunter – a cheetah that can just jump really far.
Always on the hunt
Besides the sheep that serve as fodder, thieves are among the most common creatures in the Spyro games. While they are quite friendly in Enter the dragonfly and Attack of the Rhynocsthese guys are enemies more or less known for stealing various items.
Whether it’s a dragon egg, an ice crystal or even a stolen lamp, it’s up to Spyro to go after these thieves and ram them. Thieves are known for running away from Spyro at almost superhuman speeds, which can deliver quite the adrenaline rush during a frantic chase.
Completionism is hard
For one hundred percent completion in a video game is the ultimate goal for many gamers around the world. Most Spyro games – especially Spyro 3 – will often make you work for that sweet satisfaction of completing a game completely.
Even after you beat the big bad guy, there are still a lot of other things to do. In addition to collecting all the gems, you also need to collect all the other collectibles that can be found there. Often it may be necessary to take on a challenge that you have overlooked during your adventure – and some challenges may be more difficult than others.
Persistent Money Bags
Moneybags is by far the most annoying character ever Spyro dealing with lovers. This bear in suit will appear in various spots during Spyro’s adventure, asking Spyro to borrow gems to cross a bridge, learn a new skill, or even unlock a new playable character.
Moneybags will take so many of your gems that getting your gems back once you’ve completed the game will be one of the most satisfying feelings in the world. In the end, it’s worth coughing up about 500 gems to get to the next part of a level.
The REAL Spyro
It’s no secret that Spyro has had several appearances over the years. His gaze The Legend of Spyro, with its horns back and all, is one such apparition. It’s still the same old Spyro (albeit in a different continuity).
However, his look into the Skylanders series has always been seen as controversial. A lot Spyro fans taunted the dragon’s look, and some claimed he looked ugly in a word. It is for that reason that these fans see the real Spyro as the one with its classic look.
No fear Spyro
Spyro has battled all kinds of bad guys in many of his great adventures. A metal spider, an evil snowman or even a dragon-eating bush – none of those enemies stand much of a chance with Spyro in their midst.
Spyro may be much smaller compared to other dragons in the Dragon Realms, but that doesn’t mean he can’t terrify any enemy who dares to resist him. While everyone may fear an Attack Frog in Misty Bog, the same can hardly be said of the fearless Spyro.
How the turntables
One thing thieves are known for, aside from their quick running ability, is their ability to harass Spyro. When far away from Spyro, thieves will mock the dragon with their cry “Nah-Nana-Na-nyah” – which can get annoying after hearing it a few times.
That said, these thieves can get a shock when Spyro catches up with them and actually chases them. You could say they asked for it, but given the kind of stuff they steal, they’ve done nothing but do it to themselves.
Spyro The (Unbiased) Dragon
Spyro might be a good guy and all, but when it comes to business in different spheres, he’s mostly a neutral guy. After all, his goal is to beat each level by collecting a talisman or freeing a dragon egg. Frankly, Spyro would make an ideal movie character.
So even if Spyro is a double agent working for both the Breezebuilders and the Land Blubbers, he’s just a dragon trying to save the day. And he probably wouldn’t care, either, about saving a fairy princess from a wedding at Charmed Ridge, at the fairies’ discretion. Spyro isn’t exactly known for sticking to just one side.
Kids will never know
For most young gamers, their first encounter with Spyro is the Skylanders series. It is for this reason that they believe that Spyro first originated as a Skylanders character – not in his own eponymous series. It’s a real gut punch to Spyro fans who grew up with the original trilogy.
The success of the Reignited Trilogy did a good job of not only putting Spyro back on the map, but also confirming to young gamers that Spyro has been around longer than they expected. It must have come as a shock to them that Spyro was the protagonist of his own series, rather than a character who first debuted in 2011.