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Cut off from all external communication, surrounded by icy tundra and covered in a thick blanket of paranoia and suspicion, the eight-player multiplayer game strands players in the frigid wilderness where they must work together to escape the approaching snow storm and the deadly intentions of teammates.

The survivors must fight the icy elements and the traitors in their midst who will cheat, sabotage and even kill to thwart their teammates’ attempts to escape. For the players who encounter wild animals or murderous teammates on their travels, there is a variety of weapons that they can use to gain the upper hand and desperately hold on to any chance of survival.

Communication and teamwork are essential to Survivors’ ultimate goal: escape. You will discover secret traitors within the group that steadily grow stronger as the match progresses.

More than 2.5 million survivors across all platforms braved the cold in Project Winter, and to celebrate developer Other Ocean (whose other works include MediEvil 2019, Minecraft 3DS and Rick & Morty: Virtual Rick-ality) released a free content update today has released new craftable items for Traitors along with a permanent price drop to $9.99 USD.

Traitors can plan even more sneaky betrayals with four new items now available to tinker. The disguise kit allows a traitor’s appearance to look exactly like any other character, dead or alive. There’s no way to change voices in-game, though, so be careful when speaking out.

Take advantage of the bitter cold tundra by making ice bombs. Similar to smoke bombs, these hair-raising explosives not only create a plume of smoke to cloud vision, but also quickly reduce the warmth of survivors.

Turn the white sleet beneath one person’s feet into a silent cloud with the single-use snowshoes. Eliminate all traces of footprints or the loud crunch of snow steps with increased movement speed for a short time.

Pull survivors away from the rest of the group with the sound transmitter. This sinister trap broadcasts audio clips for a short time and a very long distance before eventually self-destructing.

This free update also includes changes to the user interface, removal of the ability to see characters who voted in exile, increase in the maximum number of roles in matches, and other quality of life improvements.

“If you had told us that our passion project for social deception would reach more than 2.5 million players, we would never have believed you,” said Ryan Hale, Product Director of Other Ocean. “We are extremely grateful to everyone who gave Project Winter a chance. We’ve planned even more updates for this year to bring a new powder experience to our dedicated community, including potential pests for our next project. Stay warm and stay informed!”

Most important features:

  • Escape to survive – As a survivor of a group of strangers, you must collect resources, fight the elements and complete a series of tasks to engage one of several rescue vehicles.
  • Hidden roles – Among the group of survivors are hidden traitors. The traitors know each other, but not the survivors. Their goal is to prevent the survivors from escaping without being identified and killed.
  • teamwork – Survivors cannot escape unless they work together. Players wandering alone will struggle to survive the elements, fall victim to hostile wildlife or become an easy target for the traitors.
  • Communication – There are several ways to communicate with other players including proximity based voice chat, private voice chat radio channels, text chat and emotes – communication is vital if the survivors have any hope of completing their tasks and defending themselves against the traitors.
  • Betrayal and Deceit – The traitors are outnumbered and weak when the game starts, they can infiltrate the survivors and gain their trust while building their strength. Survivors can never be 100% sure who to trust. The traitors can take advantage of this by spreading lies and pitting the survivors against each other.

Project Winter is available for Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, PC (Steam, Humble Bundle and Greenman Gaming).

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