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Student hygiene is important in two-point campus. Students will feel unhappy if they don’t have enough access to facilities such as showers, sinks and hand sanitizers. Keeping students happy is vital to the success of any university, so players should keep an eye on students’ hygiene levels, especially as they begin to expand into new campus buildings.

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Fortunately, it is very easy to encourage smelly students to wash up. Lots of problems in two-point campus can be avoided in the building process with strategically placed facilities so that students don’t have to travel too far to visit them. If students’ hygiene levels drop, chances are they won’t have enough time to go to a bathroom or shower block between classes. Reduce the distance they have to travel, and they’re more likely to take a shower before going to the library.


7 Assess students’ hygiene levels

Players can find out student hygiene levels by going to the Campus Overview and scrolling to the Student Overview screen. Students’ general hygiene is listed on the left (under ‘Needs’). It’s important to get the bar as full as possible, so if it’s low, players can fix it by adding a few more items and building amenities like shower blocks.

Players can also rate individual students’ hygiene levels by clicking on a student and then navigating to the ‘Mood’ screen. This is a good way to make sure every student is happy, although it will take some time to go through them all, so it’s usually easier to view the student population as a whole in the Student Summary screen.

6 Hand Cleanser

Hand sanitizer is essential. They increase hygiene, don’t cost much ($500 each), and are fairly easy to deploy where players need them. Ideally, every room should have one.

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It is best to place hand sanitizers in multiple places in each campus building. It is better to have them scattered rather than clustering them all in one place. This makes it really easy for students to upgrade their hygiene level wherever they are, without having to lug around a bathroom or shower block.

5 washbasins

Players must ensure that there are sufficient sinks in the bathrooms. It increases hygiene and is an easy way for students to freshen up. They cost $600 each, and they are easy to install.

Try to place one sink per toilet, so that students (and employees) do not have to wait to wash their hands even at busy times. Bathrooms should be easily accessible for students wherever they are, and there should be plenty if players are running a few jobs at a time.

4 Shower Blocks

Shower blocks are indispensable! If players forget to build showers, students develop green stink clouds around them, which is not very pleasant. Shower blocks are needed and players will need to build more than one when buying new campus buildings.

Shower cubicles are a little more expensive at $1,500, but they provide a huge boost in hygiene, meaning students can go longer without having to take care of their hygiene level again.

3 baking

Every room in every building should have a trash can (and it’s worth placing them near vending machines and food stalls, too). Bins increase hygiene on campus and make students feel happier with their environment.

Bins require maintenance, so players will need to hire enough janitors to keep them up to date. Some students will help by emptying bins from time to time, depending on their personality type. Other students and staff have Bin Blindness, so the more helpful students are really handy to have around!

2 janitors

Cleaners are essential! They will be cleaning and repairing shower cubicles, repairing toilets and emptying garbage cans: all important jobs to keep students happy.

In addition, they do many other important tasks on campus. They restock vending machines, clear trash from the ground, and mop up the occasional puddle of vomit in the Student Union.

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They can be trained to gain special abilities, including security, which players need to clear invaders from campus, and mechanics, which unlock machine upgrades. Watch out for janitors with the ‘Rapid’ and ‘Squeaky Clean’ Staff Traits, which are very helpful. Janitors with these qualities will work faster and clean more efficiently.

1 Check the beds

This sounds strange, but it’s a good idea to check the dorms from time to time. They will stink after a while (players will be able to tell by those telltale green stink clouds again).

Some items in two-point campus need repair or maintenance. Beds need maintenance, so players will need to call a janitor to change the sheets. Doing this makes students much happier. After all, nobody likes to sleep on coarse sheets!

two-point campus is available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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