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With villains and evil lurking around every corner, the Thalmor could be the worst of them all in skyrim. They are one of the easiest factions to hate, and for good reason. Arrogant, sassy and xenophobic, many fans expect the Thalmor to serve as an antagonist for some time to come Elder Scrolls 6.

The Thalmor-led Aldmeri Dominion has already attempted to capture Cyrodil and Hammerfell during the Great War, and Skyrim reveals that both sides see another confrontation as inevitable. However, a popular theory suggests that the Dominion doesn’t just want to rule the world, but instead plans to destroy it. If this is true, it will have major implications for the Elder Scrolls 6and a theory about the Towers of Tamriel could be their key to success.


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The Thalmor and Talos

The Towers Theory has its origins in a forum post by former Elder Scrolls writer Michael Kirkbride. The post isn’t technically canon, but Kirkbride’s massive influence on the series’ lore makes it arguably the second best. The post, which fans have archived in the Elder Scrolls lore website, the Imperial Library, describes how some High Elves’ hatred of Talos goes far beyond claiming Altmer dominance over humans. It instead indicates a desire by the High Elves to escape from the physical world, which they call “the Material Prison.”

This makes sense in the context of the creation myth of Hight Elf in The Elder Scrolls. It describes how Altmer descended from immortal divine spirit beings called the Ehlnofey, who existed before the material world. Of course, that technically applies to all human and elf races in The Elder Scrolls, but the High Elves always considered themselves closest to their spiritual ancestors. The “Altmeri Commentary” thus describes the desire of some Altmers to become the immortal spirits that were their ancestors before the creation of linear time and physical reality.

Then it lists three things the High Elves need if they want to achieve that goal. Step one requires the Altmer to remove Talos from existence. They believe his presence “strengthens the Wheel of the Convention,” keeping them trapped in the mortal world. Step two involves erasing humanity in a literal and conceptual sense “so that the idea of ​​it may be forgotten and therefore never repeated.” Once both steps are completed, the Altmer will finally be able to undo the world, reportedly restoring their immortality.

The message does not describe how the Altmer should perform any of these steps. Destroying Talos, however, may be within their power. The in-game book “Gods and Worship” speculates that a god’s power comes from their followers and that divinity can be gained or lost through the same process. The Dark Elves’ Living God Vivic says something similar in morrowind, explaining that his power comes from the faith of his worshippers. This could mean that the Thalmor has to do anything to kill The older roleThe god Talos forbids his worship until the world forgets him.

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The Towers

Supposedly, once Talos is gone, the Aldmeri Dominion would have to kill all the people in Tamriel and make sure there is no evidence of their existence. However, the Thalmor may have a way of wiping out and destroying humanity at the same time The older rolethe world. Scattered around Tamriel are several buildings called Towers. Built by the gods and ancient elves, these are a mix of natural and man-made structures. Examples include the White Gold Tower in Cyrodiil, the Crystal Tower in the Summerset Islands, The Throat of the World in Skyrim, and the Red Mountain in Morrowind. Each tower is powered by a rock and channels energy from Oblivion’s parallel realm.

While no one knows for sure, some in Tamriel believe that the towers play an important role in keeping reality stable. The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls Onlineand An Elder Scrolls Novel: The Infernal City all refer to this idea. It is also well known that the Amulet of Kings and the Dragon Fires in the Imperial City limits the ability of gods to interfere with the mortal world. Their absence is how Molag Bal and Mehrunes can invade Dagon Tamriel during The Elder Scrolls Online and the Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.

When the Towers function to preserve The Elder Scrolls‘ world intact, this theory holds that the Thamor will have to destroy or deactivate them in order to realize their plans. Concern for the residents of The older roleIn the world of Nirn, some of the Thalmor’s work has already been done for them. Six of the nine known towers have been destroyed or deactivated over time The Elder Scrolls series and its backstory.

Meanwhile, the status of Valenwod’s Green-Sap Tower and Skyrim’s Snow-Tower is ambiguous. The Green-Sap Tower was a collection of moving trees in Valenwood. However, the main tree lost the ability to move earlier Forgetfulness and is now firmly under the control of Thalmor Skyrim. In the meantime, Skyrim‘s Prophecy of the Dragonborn also refers to the Snow-Tower as “broken,” suggesting it may also be inactive. Only seen the Adamantine Tower of High Rock in Daggerfall and ESO is definitely still active from Elder Scrolls 5.

If the Tower Theory is true, the Aldmeri Dominion could be dangerously close to tearing the fabric of reality, destroying humanity and supposedly restoring the High Elves to divinity. Of course, this plan could erase the Altmer along with everything else. However, the Thalmor may be arrogant enough not to consider that a possibility. It’s probably not widely known either, with only the highest levels of Thalmor leadership knowing the truth.

If the Tower Theory is true, it might explain why The Elder Scrolls 6 will probably take place in Hammerfell. The Adamantine Tower is across the bay from the north of Hammerfell, and it’s not crazy to imagine The Elder Scrolls 6 also with a small portion of High Rock. The Elder Scroll 6During the main quest, players can intervene in a Thalmor plot to take out the last tower.

Unfortunately, the evidence for the tower theory is circumstantial. Kirkbride’s ideas influenced Forgetfulness, Skyrimand ESO, but his posts are not automatically canon. Meanwhile, the Aldmeri Dominion’s invasion of South Hammerfell would have brought them a little closer to controlling the Adamantine Tower, but it may have just been a way to weaken the Empire. Similarly, Skyrim centers on a Thalmor agent’s attempt to use the Eye of Magnus, an artifact powerful enough to destroy the world. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean he wanted it for that purpose or that Thalmor’s leadership supported his plan.

Yet that does not mean that the tower theory is also impossible. Even if the High Elves don’t play a prominent role in The Elder Scrolls 6the Towers theory could still point to the Thalmor’s ultimate long-term goal.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is under development.

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