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The 2010 release of Alan Wake was the biggest milestone in Remedy Entertainment’s development career. After that, the studio went on to create a new IP, Quantum Break, which was not as well received as Alan Wake. Moving on, they set their sights on creating what would become their next AAA success, similar to their previously acclaimed shooter: Check.

Check hit gaming rigs in 2019, and oh boy, did it exceed expectations. The game’s interior environment in the multidimensional “Oldest House” was as weird as it could get, but the setting, story and characters couldn’t have matched the atmosphere better.

Solutions Check was a success in more ways than one. And that’s why a sequel and spin-off, which surprisingly will also become an AAA title, are officially in the works. Christmas came early this time for Remedy fans, because that’s not all Control 2 coming their way, but so is Alan Wake 2.

Check 2 Release Date

So far, Remedy Entertainment has not yet claimed a final launch window for the game. But that’s what we expect Control 2 release date will likely be in 2026. Currently, Remedy’s next title to be released is Alan Wake 2. And since they’ve been working on a handful of other projects, don’t expect Control 2 to arrive quickly.

Control 2
Image: Remedy Entertainment

After Alan Wake 2, we assume that the Condor and Vanguard projects will arrive. And however Checkhas been a huge success for Remedy, they have stated that they want to make the sequel bigger and weirder (supposedly). Therefore, it could take years for a teaser or trailer for the game to arrive.

Fix officially confirmed to be working on Control 2

Unlike most other companies that have been silent for over a decade about a sequel – I point to you Rockstar, Remedy Entertainment has instead delivered a full roadmap that reveals every game the company is developing in development. It is stated in the detailed roadmap that they confirmed a new one Check game is under development.

“Codename Condor, a spin-off game from Control, continues in the proof-of-concept phase. Codename Heron, a larger Control game, is in the concept phase and prototyping continues.”

– Remedy Entertainment

The project is currently Codename Heronbut we’re pretty sure it’s Control 2. In a 2021 earnings report, along with Remedy’s CEO, the team stated that their next project (probably Control 2) is the “most ambitious yet”.” So we’re confident that the company’s veteran team that worked on both the original game and Alan Wake will be leading the sequel.

In addition to confirming a tentative sequel (or prequel), a spin-off game set in the Control universe is also in production.

Control 2 release date
Image: Remedy Entertainment

The selection of upcoming games also included remakes of Max Payne 1 & 2, an original free-to-play co-op game, and Alan Wake 2. Check and Alan Wake seem to share the same universe, so you might see Jesse Faden cross paths with Alan Wake soon.

Control 2 is currently in the concept phase with a few prototype builds being tested. So don’t expect any trailers or updates about the game next year, possibly not until 2024.

The control spin-off game

Project Condor is an upcoming AAA Check spin-off game. It has reportedly been revealed that it is a 4 player PvE game. Although it’s hard to imagine a setting like Checkworks well for such a title.

Condor’s budget is estimated at €25 million, which is close to Control’s setback of €30 million. As you read above, Remedy has confirmed Control 2 will be bigger, so obviously the budget will be higher too.

While there is no official release date for project Condor, we expect it to come out sometime sooner Control 2. Project Condor is thus Remedy Entertainment’s second co-op game in development. The other is Codename Vanguard, a partnership with 505 Games. It will be interesting to see how well the studio does making a co-op title after over a decade of single player hits.

Control 2 won’t be released until Alan Wake 2

At the VGAs 2021, Remedy announced Alan Wake 2. The announcement came as a shocking surprise as hopes of seeing the franchise again seemed virtually non-existent. The original Alan Wake, written by Sam Lake, reportedly took nearly half a decade to produce. Although some sources claim that the exact development time was almost seven years compared to Check‘s 3-year manifestation.

Control 2 release date
Image: Remedy Entertainment

The length of time the process took and with sales not up to expectations thought it was better to pursue new IPs at Remedy. That decision led you to see Quantum Break and Check to appear. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Alan Wake 2’s 2023 release date has nearly gone gold. While the roadmap report said: Control 2 is pretty much in the trial and error phase of his life.

Will Control 2 only be released for the PS5 and Xbox series of consoles?

Officially, Remedy has not claimed that it will not release its future games for the PS4 and Xbox One. But Alan Wake 2, their next AAA title, is only planned for the PS5 and Xbox Series consoles.

In addition, they also confirmed that the Control spin-off, Condorwill only “Available on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.” We also know for sure that Control 2 will also be a huge AAA title, so that pretty much automatically confirms that it won’t be released for the PS4 and Xbox One.

Plus, it doesn’t look like Control 2 will hit gaming platforms before 2026. And it just doesn’t seem possible that AAA title support for old-gen consoles like the PS4 and Xbox One will last that long.

But that’s just speculation for now, as a AAA title Like a Dragon 8 has been officially announced for the PS4 and Xbox One in 2024. So for now, Control 2’s support for old-gen consoles is a game of chance.

Where does the story continue with Control 2?

Check had just as strange an ending as it had its beginning. The plot unfolds inside The oldest house, which is a place of power. Venues like The Oldest House do not act in accordance with the laws of nature. So that explains why you saw so many mind-boggling locations in an observable miniature building.

Control 2 release date
Image: Remedy Entertainment

The game’s ending sequences showed jesse Find Dylan. As well as learning about his role in the intrusion of the Hiss into the Federal Bureau of Control (FBK). While the closing moments portrayed Jesse becoming the new director of the FBC. But there are still remnants of the Hiss. And until everything is wiped out, you can be sure to see Jesse with gunshots again.

Jesse could appear in Alan Wake 2

CheckThe DLC expansions shocked pretty much everyone with repeated cameos from Alan Wake. After a decade with no news about the character, fans ran shivers when Alan Wake and his duel with the Dark Presence were mentioned in the Altered World Events expansion of Check.

Jesse tried to unfold the events that took place in Bright Falls, and visions of Wake kept coming. The saga eventually ended with a cliffhanger ending, hinting at the now officially confirmed Alan Wake 2.

Now that both games have been confirmed to be in the same existence, it’s very possible that Jesse will make an appearance in Alan Wake 2. The topic will remain up for discussion until then, so you’ll have to wait and see for now.

Control 2’s Plot

Alan Wake 2 may affect Control 2’ begins when the characters meet in the game next year. Otherwise, you’ll likely see the game start with Jesse continuing to find ways to get revenge on the Hiss. Also expect Dylan’s unclear fate to be addressed.

The Bureau itself is as mysterious as the Hiss, and Jesse never follows them blindly. It will be an intriguing revelation if it turns out that The Bureau knows more than it does about the Altered World Events taking place.

The oldest house definitely seems to be an infinite labyrinth, so you’ll definitely be introduced to newer, more breathtaking spectacles. The secrets it holds are countless, and it has dirt on almost every unnatural AWE in the world.

Especially the nerve-wracking events that happened in Bright Falls with Alan Wake. So it’s presumably a foregone conclusion that Jesse and Alan aren’t the only ones stuck in such a sinister battle.

Finally, taking everything into consideration, yes, Alan Wake 2 is Remedy’s next game. So we would say for now that you should be happy with that Control 2 is a foregone conclusion. And if you’re still hankering for more of Remedy’s creepiness, the Alan Wake sequel is right around the corner, so hold on.