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A game genre that grew in popularity during the quarantine period and the subsequent on-and-off periods was the parlor game. One of the first to explode was Among Us, an online game where players run through a sci-fi environment trying to figure out which imposter(s) are hiding in their ranks. The concept is nothing new, but has continued to evolve to become more complex and engaging, which is what Boltrend Games aims to do. The attempt comes through as Project Winter Mobile, another mobile witch hunt with a lot more going on and a chilling backdrop to it all.

The project details

In party games, the story and the narration are not so much discussed and that seems to be the case in Project Winter Mobile. The goal is simply to be one of the survivors or to kill all the survivors before being discovered. Based on the setup, the game could take a page out of the book The Thing. A research group in the frozen tundra is surrounded by a harsh, icy environment and trapped with a murderous threat. The goal is to try and fix what needs to be fixed in order to escape safely and, hopefully, leave the traitors behind. It doesn’t matter which side you’re on, you’ll have to do what it takes to live and succeed.

A chilling scenario

When it comes to the wolf among us scenario, getting players on edge can make for a more memorable experience. That’s because when you play Project Winter Mobile. Not only do you have to worry about escaping traitors or hunting survivors, but you also have to constantly monitor your health. The map can feel quite expansive with time and snow storms eating up your heat and hunger. There is also the wilderness to worry about, but you have to take the risk of venturing into it to achieve your goals.

This makes for a very full gameplay experience that is tailor-made for playing with friends or even new acquaintances. It doesn’t matter which team you’re on, there are few points of interest, so you’ll really need to divide the work to efficiently solve problems as they arise. If survivors try to put everything on their own, traitors will have a much easier time sabotage them. Traitors also cannot play solo or they will reveal their intentions. The challenge lies in finding the right balance between teamwork and independence, which makes for an engaging gaming experience.

The aesthetic is solid and works well for the tone of the game. Colorful enough to party and sturdy enough to convey the seriousness of the situation. It all contributes to an effective survival scenario.

Though winter

There’s nothing wrong with realism or ambition, but trying to do too much can make the end product seem unreasonable or too demanding. Unfortunately, Project Winter Mobile has faced some of these pitfalls. The first is energy consumption. You need a fully charged recent phone and a very stable internet connection to play this game smoothly. If you’re not equipped to do this on the go, you might be better off playing it via a mobile emulator on your PC.

Then there’s the slow pace that works against strategy. The map is huge, so you’ll want to split up to cover more ground. However, doing so puts you at risk of starvation, cold and wildlife unless you have a range of equipment. The problem with this is that for the most part your inventory is severely limited and you need as much space as possible to carry resources needed to accomplish goals. It takes some getting used to and if time is a factor you may have to wander aimlessly through the cold hoping to find something useful.

Project Winter is coming

Project Winter Mobile is a among us-style 3D survival game in which survivors and traitors must battle to achieve their goals in a frozen tundra. It has quality visuals with a surprising amount of detail and layers in the gameplay. Unfortunately, this makes it demanding for whatever you’re playing, which is a problem given the amount of trial and error involved in exploring and gathering resources. Ultimately, it’s a game that takes place in the cold and has the potential to get quite heated as the tension and excitement build.