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No place for courage is a new indie action game set in a terrifying world that seemingly tries to capture the atmosphere of both dark souls and god of war. Players take on the role of Thorn, a warrior trying to protect his family and his country from an encroaching darkness.

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No place for courage has checkpoints similar to dark souls but it’s not set up as a brutally challenging Souls-esque experience or even a roguelike one. It’s like a more gruesome and brutal version of older top-down games in The Legend of Zelda series. What else is there to know? Here’s a handy guide to getting things started.


There are three preset difficulty levels in the game that automatically adjust a series of bars in the menu. For example, playing in the Story setting increases how much damage players inflict on enemies, how weak enemies are, how many defenses players get, and so on. Players can then adjust these meters to their liking to create a more desirable experience. This flexibility is why help options in games are so welcome. It’s always a good idea for players to check out these options, even if they don’t sound appealing at first.

7 Grind for items and gold near loyalty points

This is an easy tip to give players for any RPG or action game where they can level up in some way. In No place for courage, players can acquire gold and items from enemies. These two things can be used to buy skills from the storage points, such as a skill tree. If there is a good area next to the save point with a high number of enemies, stop there for a while. Cut through as many enemies as you can, then pray at the save point to make them respawn. This is a great way to store gold and items.

6 Don’t pay attention to the prologue

The beginning of the game may seem like a legit one with Thorn running after his son. It’s always great to start an action game where players get things under control right away. However, this is all a dream and any item obtained in this dream will not carry over to the first act.

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It’s good to know this before you start No place for courage because it tells players not to grind. Nobody wants to lose items or gold in a game. So the best plan is to cruise through the dream as quickly as possible without exploring too much.

5 When in doubt, mow the lawn

There are lawns and flowers in this game. Sometimes items can be hidden in them and sometimes they can reveal hidden paths. If players are ever lost, they have to chop up the grass like Link can do The Legend of Zelda spell. Sometimes it seems like players are mowing more grass in that series than they are killing monsters or solving puzzles. Players will definitely fight against more enemies in No place for couragebut they should not ignore this tip about the grass either.

4 Shoot archers as fast as possible

There are a huge number of archers and remote enemy types in the game. It should go without saying that ranged enemies should be discarded in No place for courage as soon as possible. This is a tip that transcends all action games, as enemies can be tricky at a distance. Fortunately, ranged characters in this game, and in most games, are weaker and thus easy to remove. They are tricky to reach, but just ignore all other enemies until these ranged types are gone.

3 Defend like a champion

A good way to shoot through enemies to get to the archers is to roll past them. Players can dodge at any time, which consumes stamina. Blocking with a shield will also deplete this meter, as will attacking with the sword, for example.

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Attacking is important, but so is keeping Thorn alive. A good strategy in an action game is to use all the resources available to the player, including dodging and blocking with the shield. A good offense is a strong defense as they say.

2 Know your healing items

Players get three types of healing items early in the game. There are scrolls that will create healing circles that will recharge health as long as Thorn is in them. There are several healing spheres that will also recharge health for a period of time without the need for a healing circle. The strongest healing items are potions that automatically refill a certain amount of health. Drinks are rarer and more expensive when found in stores, so they should be used sparingly compared to other sources.

1 Don’t worry about dialogue choices

There are dialogue choices that will eventually appear in No place for courage. While they may seem important at this point, these picks are a bit superficial unlike a lot of other RPGs with them. Most choices don’t affect the game’s story after that encounter. Eventually some things will become more woven into Thorn’s life. However, players should not worry about the consequences their choices will have. Pick one based on your gut feeling, then applaud whatever the results bring, even if they’re bad. It is important to embrace bad choices in every game that presents them to create more unique and personal experiences.

No place for courage was released on September 22, 2022 and is available on PC and Switch.

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