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One of the best features that video games have been given is to reward a player properly for completing a challenge. The more challenging a task is, the better the reward, but not all games will use this mindset. some challenges, like boss fightsoffer players little incentive to complete them and sometimes require far too much time and effort.

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Some gamers will embrace the challenges a video game presents, but certain battles are a little too hard to be considered fun, especially when a game’s previous challenges weren’t nearly as hard. Difficulty spikes are a great way to mark progress, but sometimes they can derail a game’s already solid flow.


5 Final Fantasy 15 – Fine

The Final Fantasy series is known for some of the most challenging bosses in gaming. The tenth entry in the series marked the beginning of a new era for the franchise with the addition of voice acting, but most of the core elements, such as the combat system and challenging post-game, remained the same. To complete the main story, the player usually needs to deal around 5,000 damage per battle, but to defeat the game’s secret enemies, it takes a damage output of around 99,999 to break through their armor.

Final Fantasy 10 is made with mind-boggling bosses, but one trumps them all. Penance can only be fought after the Dark Aeons and Monster Arena battles are all completed. The player may think he is invincible when he overcomes these enemies, but Penance will cause this newfound confidence to wane during the player’s first encounter with them. The fight with Penance usually lasts an hour, but only if the player has completely leveled his party members. Otherwise, this fateful collision will likely end just as quickly as it started.

4 Result!! – Mike Tyson

Result!! is a rhythm based boxing game with a simple premise. Little Mac, the protagonist of the game, aspires to stardom in the boxing world and must fight his way through the World Video Boxing Association if he is to achieve it. Most of the game’s fictional enemies pose little challenge in the boxing ring, but there is one that is likely to infuriate fans. Mike Tyson, the real heavyweight boxing champion at the time, is the final boss and, understandably, the toughest.

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What’s unusual about fighting Tyson is how tough he actually is. There is no denying that certain battles in Result!! are pretty hard, but none of them can be a candle to the game’s final battle. The boxing legend leaves little room for error as most of his punches can knock out Little Mac instantly and, to make matters worse, the player will rarely get a chance to attack. It’s a surprisingly difficult encounter, made even more infuriating by how accessible the game’s other battles are.

3 Kingdom Hearts 3 – Yozora

The basic version of Kingdom Hearts 3 offered surprisingly little in terms of a postgame, but the Re Mind DLC chose to fix this. With a whopping fourteen additional bosses, the aftermath of Sora’s clash with Xehanort consists of some of the biggest challenges to appear in the entire series. However, after beating the data battles in the Limit-Cut episode, Sora will be forced to face his most powerful enemy yet.

Yozora, who is briefly referenced in the Toy Box world, has been given the task of rescuing Sora in a somewhat unconventional way. Rather than explain his reasoning, he summons his laser sword and crossbow and attacks Sora. It’s likely that players will expect a similar challenge to what they’ve already experienced in the DLC leading up to this battle, but Yozora proves to be one of, if not the most challenging boss characters in the entire series.

2 NieR: Automata – Emil

The first encounter with Emil portrays him as one of the least threatening entities present in the… Kidney universe. He’s a head-roller in a world full of war machines, so it’s understandable why many would assume his combat skills would be lacking. However, this assumption is quickly proven to be misleading when attempting to steal the elusive creature’s valuable possessions.

After his house is raided by 9S, Emil decides to set a trap. He places his leftover trinkets in a chest and informs 9S that opening them would be extremely difficult. 9S takes the bait, and Emil, expecting this outcome, attacks and attacks in an attempt to punish the overly curious android. At level 99, Emil is the biggest challenge in the entire game. If his damage output isn’t enough to stop the player from getting on his bad side, the small arena he’s fighting in certainly will. While the next fight against Emil’s clones is considered by some to be a little more challenging, the battle arena gives the player a lot more room to breathe.

1 Final Fantasy 12 – Yiazmat

Final Fantasy 12 is packed with some of the most ridiculously powerful bosses in the entire franchise. The last boss the player will face is likely none other than Yiazmat, the strongest boss and most elusive hunt in the entire game. The most efficient way to defeat Yiazmat is to take full advantage of each party member’s stats, but the battle will still be ridiculously tough even then.

At maximum levels, Yiazmat will take about an hour to defeat due to its 50,000,000 hit points. While the duration of the fight may not seem like a big deal, it can quickly become difficult due to Yiazmat’s ability to instantly KO a group member. Surviving the wyrm’s long-winded attack for an hour is one of the battle’s biggest challenges, but the player has the option to exit the battle and heal if overwhelmed. However, if you advance two screens, Yiazmat’s HP will be fully restored and the player will be forced to start the fight from the beginning.

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