In Nintendo’s new trailer of Fire Emblem Engage, Intelligent Systems announced that at least 12 Lords from previous installments will be included in the game as Emblem Rings. These magical rings are the key to channeling the powers of the former protagonists and using them to restore peace to Elyos.
The Emblem Ring system is inspired by a concept similar to that of the mobile game Fire Emblem Heroeswhere two units can work together to increase their strength and use exclusive abilities. Taking into account both their popularity and potential skills in engagewhich heroes are the best of the 12 announced so far?
12 Eirika
The younger twin sister of Prince Ephraim and the princess of the kingdom of Renais, Eirika, hails from Fire Emblem: The Holy Stones. In the game, she is banished from her homeland during Grado’s invasion.
Although Eirika is a kind princess who hates violence, she takes up arms against Grado and helps lead the war effort to claim protection over the Sacred Stones, five stones with great magical power. The Sword User isn’t particularly strong compared to her brother, so it’s widely believed that she’ll be on the weaker side of the Emblem Ring Lords in Engage.
11 Micha
One of the few Mage Lords in the entire franchise and leader of the Dawn Brigade in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Micaiah is the secret heir to the throne of Begnion, which is part of Laguz, for which she is discriminated against. She is the true apostle and becomes the queen of Daein at the end of the game.
In combat, she is usually killed in one turn if left in a vulnerable spot, which is a pain if you protect her during the game. However, her light magic comes with a significantly useful ability called Sacrifice, which allows her to lend her HP to another character. Using this in engage can prove to be a game changer in tricky situations and give the player a second chance.
10 wife Corrin
Corrin was once the only main Dragon Lord character in the franchise, that is, until Alear was announced for engage. She is a main character and princess in Fire Emblem: Fateswho is forced to choose between the kingdom she grew up in or the kingdom she is related to.
Besides being the princess who has to choose between the warring Nohr and Hoshida, Corrin lacks a lot of character depth, but makes up for it with her high customizability. At the start of Fates, the player can decide which stats to maximize and build Corrin to become a class of his choice, on top of being a dragon already. If this were implemented in engageCorrin’s flexibility would be immensely helpful in battle.
9 Roy
Roy, the leader of Pherae’s forces in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade and heir apparent, is a fiery young man eager to learn while proving himself to those around him. His game is known as one of the best games to usher in an army, due to its range of lovable heroes and character development.
The fiery sword of the Lord is none other than Durandal, the fiery sword given to him by his father, Eliwood. In the game, once Roy has leveled up enough, the sword is clearly more powerful than any other weapon, making the ability to use it in Engage quite exciting.
8 Male Byleth
Byleth, the male protagonist and war professor at Garreg Mach Monastery from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, is a Lord who essentially has no personality at the start of the game. As the game progresses, he slowly discovers himself as he chooses which of the student Lords to side with and is guided by the voice of the goddess, Sothis.
While not very interesting in and of itself, Byleth’s weapon is very unique and can only be awakened by him. The immense power and ability of the Creator’s Sword to transform into a segmented blade that gains exceptional reach can prove quite powerful when used by Emblem Ring Byleth in engage.
7 Lucina
Lucina is the distant descendant of Marth, Prince Chrom’s daughter, and the Princess of Ylisse who travels back in time to save her kingdom from the Fell Dragon in Fire Emblem: Awakening. She is much loved by fans for her strong-willed, comforting nature and charmingly funny density.
Like Marth and her father, Lucina wields a divine sword that is effective against Dragon enemies, the Falchion. However, in engage, Lucina will wield a bow instead. The bow is taken directly from Legendary Lucina in Fire Emblem Heroes, a free smartphone version of the classic games, used alongside an ability that allows her to trade places with an ally and then trade again. The ability will almost certainly be useful when wearing her emblem ring and would be valuable in combat.
6 celica
Celica is one of the two protagonists of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentina, a remake of Fire Emblem Gaiden. Her real name is Anthiese and she is a humble born princess of Zofia whose house was set on fire but was saved by Mycen.
From then on she grew up in the monastery, until she went on a pilgrimage to find the goddess Mila. Her unique class, Priestess, allows her to attack with both magic and physical, and pack a punch with her volatile specials like True Ragnarok. The ability can damage enemies up close and far, which viewers of the Nintendo Direct have glimpsed while Céline wears Celica’s emblem ring, proving it will be a reliable asset to the game.
5 Leif
Fans then applauded Fire Emblem: Thracia 776‘s Leif was confirmed for engage, and not just because this is the first game he plays to be released in the West. The nephew of Sigurd and Prince of Leonster fled his homeland after it fell, becoming self-critical in the process.
Leif overcomes his guilt of abandoning Leonster and returns to free it and reclaim the throne, becoming known as the Great Unifier. Like Celica, he wields a magical sword known as the Light Brand, which is able to perform ranged attacks, which the protagonists of Engage could certainly make use of when wearing Leif’s Emblem Ring.
4 Mart
The legendary Hero-King and a fan-favorite Lord, Marth, already seems to be a crucial part of engage‘s story. This is not the first fire emblem game in which he appeared since the first game in the series, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, as he was also present in Mystery of the Emblem.
Marth is determined to help take down the new Fell Dragon with his Falchion, as it is highly effective against Dragon enemies, and Marth will be sure to help guide Alear. To see the brave and trustworthy face of fire emblem revived in a new plot will no doubt bring suspense and nostalgic elements into play.
3 Lyn
Perhaps the most beloved female Lord is none other than Lyn, who joins the franchise in The Burning Knife after her parents and most of her tribe are murdered by bandits. She keeps her homeland, the Sacaen Plains, close to her and charms others with her polite but infectious confidence throughout the game.
As leader of the Lyndis Legion, she teams up with Hector and Eliwood to reclaim Caelin after it is taken by Laus’s forces. Her sword at play is the katana-like Mani Katti, who can prove invaluable when using her emblem ring. The weapon is not only effective against Golgotha and armored enemies, but even increases the probability of a critical hit, making it extremely versatile.
2 Ike
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance is one of Nintendo’s best RPGs and Ike’s original game. later, in Radiant Dawn, he becomes the leader of the Greil Mercenaries after his father’s death. As the first main character of fire emblem to have more common blood he lacks much of a filter but is very respectable with a strong sense of justice.
Normally he would wield Ragnell, but instead he got his father’s ax that Brave Ike uses in Fire Emblem Heroes. This axe, Urvan, speeds up its special attack in the mobile game and reduces the damage of an enemy’s first attack by almost half. In addition, consecutive attacks reduce damage by 80%, and it would be insane to use it in engage if performed.
1 Sigurd
fire emblem fans were never so excited when Sigurd was showcased in the trailer of engage, rightly so. He is the first Lord in the fire emblem series to both wield lances and ride a horse. Sigurd displays his responsible, noble qualities as the Prince of Chalphy, as he and his son Seliph bring justice to the continent of Jugdral.
Sigurd will certainly be indescribably valuable in engage as he wields Tyrfing, one of the Sacred Weapons of Genealogy of the Holy War, because the blade offers great resistance to magic and its sheer power, making it a magician killer. Plus, Sigurd’s Lance, Holy Blood specials, and added movement will make him an obvious choice as an emblem ring.