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Persecutions are widely regarded as a part of life that most people despise. Video game sequels can sometimes fall flat compared to the original. The great thing about gaming is that sequels usually don’t do as badly as sequels. Most are pretty mediocre. While this is true, there are so many games that outperform their predecessor.


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These are sequels that are the best of the best. They have proven to either do the best in their entire franchise or propel the series they belong to. Either way, they deserve to be commended for the progress they’ve made in the world of sequels.


10 Resistance 2

With Resistance 2, the game series takes on a much larger scale. This happens both in the story of the game as players move around the world and in the size of the bosses. When this game came out, it had one of the greatest bosses in gaming. It was so big that the game was about skyscrapers.

Resistance 2 also does a great job of introducing new weapons and grenade types into the game. This makes taking the Chimera some enjoyable differences. The multiplayer is also one of the best gaming has to offer.

9 Batman: Arkham City

Batman: Arkham City opened the game up quite a bit, because instead of the game being set in the shelter, it’s set all over Arkham City. The sliding mechanics in this game have been vastly improved since the last one. It was fast and made for a fun way to explore the map.

There’s a lot to do on the map with numerous Riddler challenges that unlock a particular Riddler area once they’ve all been discovered and deciphered. All areas players move into feel like dungeon crawlers as new items are acquired that help the player traverse them. The bosses are also some of the best with unique battles where Batman will have all the tools at his disposal.

8 dark souls

Before anyone gets confused about what Dark Souls does on this list, know it will make sense. Dark Souls was a spiritual successor to Demon Souls hence the great similarities in the naming. The only reason Dark Souls had to change its name is that Sony owned the Demon Souls IP. Had it not been for this, Dark Souls would probably have been called Demon Souls 2, so yes, this is – in a weird loophole – a sequel.


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One of the greatest parts of this game is the scale and connectivity of it all. Everything in the game feels like it’s part of one cohesive world. The different settings are so intertwined that players don’t realize how they randomly ended up in a cave. The only reason this game isn’t lower on the list is because it’s technically only a sequel and not the best sequel available.

7 Super Smash Bros. melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee is a game that has done a lot for the series. The game introduced the series to the eSports world by having battles that were technical and difficult to master. The game is much faster than its predecessor and a lot less awkward to play through. The game has 25 characters, which is an addition of 13 from the first game.

While the game is suitable for competitive play, it is also a lot of fun to play through with all the dangers and different items that players can use against each other.

6 Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 is probably the best in the series. It added a mechanism where players could take their previous saves and add them to this game to continue the story with the choices they had made before. Interplanetary travel is one of the most entertaining in the genre as the game makes sure none of the quests feel like a waste of time to grind out.


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Each side mission usually takes place on its own planet that works as a semi-linear level. How Conversations Go feels like the best playable visual novel available, even if it’s a Sci-Fi RPG.

5 Dead space 2

Dead Space 2 came out 11 years ago, and it’s still visually stunning. The enemy designs are just as terrifying, and many of the open spaces feel like they used to be inhabited. Dead Space 2 seems to have refined every aspect of the original. Even the weapons in the first look different and some have changed alternate firing modes.

The way Isaac, the protagonist, fights against characters in this game also feels a lot better. He is more fluid in his movements, which allows him to dodge better. This is a great example of how to properly craft a survival horror sequel.

4 Kingdom Hearts II

Kingdom Hearts II has to take the crown as one of the best JRPG sequels. Kingdom Hearts’ world designs were cool, but the mechanics felt clunky and out of place. This takes all that and turns it on its head. The worlds are as awesome as ever and the enhanced mechanics are great to use.

Everything feels fluid and there’s an addition of shapeshifting that changes the main character’s movements. This makes the fighting experience feel more flashy and as if there is a progression to give your character more power. It also has some of the best worlds in the series.

3 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves took what Uncharted gave players and managed to do it much better again. The adventure was evident throughout the story. It has some of the most cinematic levels in gaming such as the train level. That level, along with many others, makes players feel like they’re playing out something they could only have imagined happening in a cutscene.

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There are so many twists and turns in this sequel and the story feels better than the first. The characters had some time to catch their breath in the first one, so the story can grab players right away.

2 Portal 2

Portal 2 is better than Portal and the funny thing about that statement is that Portal is a near perfect game. The levels feel a lot better when solving puzzles. The portal mechanics have been cleaned up and refined with new ways to use portals. Portal 2 also introduced a coop mode that is completely different from the single-player story.

The great thing about the single player and coop story is that they are both just as good as each other. They provide more insight into the events that have occurred in Aperture Science. They also have some Easter eggs for other games that take place in the same universe, which adds to the immersive nature of the game.

1 Psychonauts 2

Psychonauts 2 was released about 10 years after Psychonauts was released. It really is a perfect sequel. The game has a story that starts where the last one left off. It creates a hub world that is fun to explore as it is full of other characters that players can interact with and secrets.

Combat has been made much smoother and attention to detail has been given to each of the main character’s powers that weren’t there in the last game. The levels are just as fun to explore. They all have themes specific to themselves and based on the traumatic experiences of different characters. It’s worth diving into and what sequels should be.

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