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There aren’t many games that let you adopt a child, rob a bank, win the lottery and marry royalty, but this is true BitLife comes in. It’s a free text-based mobile game where you can become a shining beacon of morality, a conspiracy charlatan of the lowest depravity, something in between, or something completely different.

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That said, you still need to develop your character through childhood, education, relationships, and more if you want to turn your dream into a touchscreen reality. So in this guide, we’re going to run through a few tips to help you build the life you want to live.


Money makes the world go round

Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it’s better to cry in a Mercedes than in a milk truck. Having money to spend not only makes your life easier, but also opens a lot of doors. If you want to be smarter, pay the tuition fee bill. If you want to be happier, splashing on vacation. If you get in trouble, buy the best lawyers out there.

Getting rich early in life is pretty randomdepending on if your parents are generous and whether they have money to give. Plus, there’s a strange opportunity you roll bad and get… well, bad, which quickly gets expensive.

Instead of, use this time to build your financial base. More friends and family means more people to ask in no time. A part-time job may only make you a few dollars, but you can do it get you stressed character a much needed spa day. Plus, a high-smarts skill will increase your chances of getting a scholarship: that’s free money to take a course to make better money!

Take advantage of your youth

While you can’t do anything as a baby, you can soon gain some autonomy over your life. Getting close with your family growing up – even if they are stingy about giving money – gives you easy ways to increase your happiness. Spending time, having conversations and going to the movies with them all help you stay happy.

By age 11, you can manage your schedule, join cliques, and participate in extracurricular activities. Use this free time wiselybecause unless you can afford to be unemployed as a young adult, this age group has the perfect combination of free time, free activities and personal health to improve your character in general.

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Enjoy the variety, then specialize

Before you turn 18, there is a lot you can be involved in. Excel in school, make tons of friends and – if your parents can afford it – take classes in acting, instruments or even martial arts. On the other hand, your character’s financial situation can change, they can get a serious illness, or a life-changing event can give you different ideas for this life.

If you have a… specific plan in mind, you may need to face the music and reboot. But if you’re sticking to the run, get involved as much as you can before choosing a career, as every activity has its rewards. Study hard to improve your intelligence in hopes of getting a scholarship, or become a strong swimmer so you’re less likely to drown. Throw in wide and learn a variety of skills, then specialize as you get older.

Avoid downward spirals

Just as good decisions lead to better opportunities, it’s also very easy to go from bad to worse. For example, if your character’s happiness drops too low, they can become depressed. If left unchecked, it could end up requiring them to go to a mental institution. The best way to ‘cure’ their depression is to increase their happiness, but any increase is less than normal because they have depression.

This could mean going on vacation, seeking medical help, or trying to change your life path, all of which cost a lot of money. Keeping track of your character’s stats is great, but also focus on their close relationships and lifestyle. When their parents get old, they asked for a raise and were rejected, or they just lead a stressed life, be prepared to find them one day. Prevention is better than cure.

Keep in someone’s good books

Maybe you want to play a lonely character, there’s no one you want to make friends with, or maybe you don’t care about the company. Whatever your reason, try to have at least some solid relationships at all times, especially if you are very young and old, because this is when your character is most vulnerable – preparing and ending their lives.

When things go bad, it’s nice to have someone you can ask for money, help you with a problem or just have a conversation. Maintain a solid relationship with your family gives you a place to stay while you’re saving for a place, and your best friend might be the one to save your life. You don’t have to know everyone, but be popular with those you do know.

Read their stats

While your character may want a career in neurosurgery, great looks won’t help him tell the difference between the hippocampus and a hippo. If you have a plan in mind, make sure they have the skills to back it up. Remember, there are also secondary stats outside the four main ones that could be just as importantsuch as athletics, fighting moves, and instrument skills.

Likewise, a small drop in health may seem like nothing, yet it is may be the first warning sign of a serious condition that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Meanwhile on puberty can dramatically improve their appearance, open new doors, or explain why you recently received a friend request. Sometimes it’s good to step back and see if anything has been overlooked.

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It happens

Everything is going great! You are loaded, have a loving family, are surrounded by friends and do your job that you love. Then your character just dies in a car accident.

It’s the worst, you’ve invested so much time and effort getting to know who they are and making up little stories for your characters. We certainly have. But sometimes when BitLife rolls the dice it rolls badly.

This tip is more of a buyer beware allergy label on the back of the app – Warning: Contains death. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t reduce the chance of it happening. When they drive vehicle make sure it is well maintainedhave a healthy lifestyle and avoid the medicine man until it’s your last resort. At the end of the day, all good things must come to an end.

Pass on your legacy

Just because your character died doesn’t mean you can’t honor their name. Bee at the bottom of the Activities tab there is an option Will & Testament. As long as you have family, you can leave your possessions and money as an inheritance, and then pick up that character as your next playthrough. There are even some achievements for long-lasting generations.

The big reason for doing this is: developing generational wealthand pass your success on to the next in line. If you don’t make impulsive decisions about your spending or end up in jail paying rent and not making money, grandchildren can amass a small fortune in their twenties. Then invest in a few assets to cover your back and you’re ready for BitLife!

Next one: The best offline games on iOS and Android