The world of The last of us is a dystopian where society has crumbled as a result of a nightmarish outbreak that has turned most of the population into bloodthirsty zombies. Life is difficult for the few survivors, and those who are unwilling to resort to violence are at risk of becoming victims. Instead of the government, several factions have sprung up trying to seize control and propagate their vision of what society should be like, including the Fireflies and the Rattlers.
One of the factions players will encounter in The last of us series is the Washington Liberation Front. They employ military tactics and use powerful military weapons. Although the group is violent, those within it experience warmth and a sense of camaraderie that can make the WLF feel like a family. Through the WLF, players learn not to jump to conclusions and to resort to simplistic judgments, as people are often much more complex than they appear.
The Washington Liberation Front
The WLF, also known as the Wolves, is a paramilitary faction based in Seattle. It is led by a ruthless but efficient leader named Isaac. The group was created to fight against FEDRA, and its fight against the government organization causes the WLF to be labeled a terrorist organization. However, the WLF is loved by commoners, and some FEDRA soldiers even defect and join the opposition.
Thanks to its ability to grow its numbers, the WLF manages to capture all FEDRA posts in the city. However, this does not end the faction’s feuds, and an enmity grows between the faction and the Seraphites, a group often scornfully referred to as Scars by the WLF. Both factions carry out violence against each other and for a while it seems that the circle will never be broken. Although the WLF terrifies their enemies, there is a strong sense of family within the group.
Notable Members of the Washington Liberation Front
During the events of The last of us series, players see a few members of the WLF, including Nora, Whitney, Nick, Jordan, and Manny. The most notable members are Isaac, Owen and The last of us part 2is Abby. As previously mentioned, Isaac is the leader of the group and is known for his ruthlessness and his hatred for the Seraphites, a hostile group. Owen starts out as Abby’s boyfriend, although their relationship eventually takes on a romantic dimension. Abby isn’t the only one yearning for Owen, though. Mel, another WLF member, also develops a romantic relationship with Owen, and she eventually becomes pregnant with his child.
Although Abby just shows up… The last of us part 2, her story begins in the franchise’s first game. Her father, Jerry, is a surgeon who works for the Fireflies. He’s a nice man who loves animals, and he may be one of the few people left with the expertise left to create a cure for the infection plaguing humanity. In the beginning, Abby is a member of the Fireflies. However, things change when Joel and Ellie enter St. Mary’s Hospital. Jerry is supposed to operate on Ellie, and while the surgery will kill her, it also offers hope for the future of humanity.
Joel can’t accept the idea of Ellie dying, so he kills Jerry and the Fireflies defending the hospital. Jerry’s death devastates Abby and leaves her with nightmares. After her father’s death, Abby turns to weightlifting and turns her body into a formidable weapon. By the time the main events of The last of us part 2 Starting off, Abby is more muscular than most of the men she meets. She is also adept with a pistol, allowing her to serve as a competent foot soldier for the WLF.
Two sides to every story
The WLF is an interesting group that illustrates many of the key themes that: The last of us part 2 trying to convey. Most importantly, it shows that every story has two sides, and sometimes it’s just not enough to see things one-dimensionally. For many, especially for characters like Ellie and Tommy, as well as the Seraphites, the WLF is a collection of violent villains who deserve no sympathy. For the members of the WLF, however, the group is a close-knit family where everyone looks out for each other. That kind of loyalty is hard to find in The last of us‘ dystopian world, that’s why they appreciate each other so much.
It’s also no coincidence that the WLF is known as the Wolves. During the games, players are constantly shown that dogs have two sides. They can be vicious creatures that can tear and kill. In another context, they can also be one of the most loving and loyal creatures out there. Throughout the series, gamers discover that the same is true for humans, who have the power to both love and destroy. This is the case with Ellie, who can be sweet, but also mean and ruthless. Likewise, Joel shows great love for those he considers family, although he is also a cruel man to anyone he considers a threat.
The WLF is far from the only faction gamers learn about in The last of us series. Players will also learn about the Fireflies, a group led by Marlene. For many, the Fireflies is a group that serves as humanity’s last glimmer of hope, although others view the group skeptically. It’s the focus group in The last of us part 1which will be released in September.
The last of us part 1 is slated for release on September 2, 2022 on PS5, and a PC port is also in development.