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While it’s certainly not as common as it used to be, video game video games are generally seen as the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of video game entertainment.

These are video games that are often made in short time frames, with limited development cycles, budgets, and everything else you need to make a decent video game.

But as with everything, some are worse than others.

So here we’ve compiled the top 10 (in no particular order) the worst of the worst, the bottom, the absolute dredging of them all for you to enjoy.

10. E.T. The Alien (1982, Atari)

Although it is older than most people reading this, it is often claimed to have crashed the video game market from 1983. The game itself was dull and boring, with terrible graphics (even for the time) and repetitive tasks.

Rumor has it that Atari has only given developers five weeks to develop the game before the Christmas season, which would explain the lack of… well, gameplay in the video game. A large number of these games were returned, Atari went bankrupt and, as legend has it, the rest of the stock was buried in a landfill somewhere in New Mexico.

9. Tomorrow Never Dies (1999)

To remind Golden Eye 64? Remember how much fun it was staying up late with three of your best friends, getting mad at each other for picking Oddjob, or someone who grabbed the Golden Gun first? Those were good times. What if the next game to be released in the 007 franchise were worse in every way imaginable?

Tomorrow never dies has done away with the first-person view, opting instead for a third-person view. The game only featured a story mode, without any multiplayer. If they had renamed this game it probably would have been good, but it came just after the success that Golden Eye 64 it led many to see this as a downgrade in every way.

8. Marvel’s Avengers (2020)

Crystal Dynamics has done a good job on the gaming front, don’t get me wrong, but avengers fails in many ways that don’t make sense. the launch of avengers had some serious game-breaking bugs attached to it, and while most of them have been ironed out over its lifetime, one of the game’s core issues wasn’t: how dry and ungrateful it is to play.

The game has a decent story mode, but once you’ve completed it, the only way to progress is to complete multiplayer missions, which are the same boring, repetitive missions that every other game-as-a-service game has. has. The multiplayer isn’t fun, and that’s the game’s biggest selling point. Please make another legacy of Cain game, Crystal Dynamics.

7. Saw 2: Flesh and Blood (2010)

“Hey, what if we took a movie that was relatively unique in the horror genre for its interesting puzzles and turned it into a boring action video game?” said the developers of Saw 2: flesh and blood. I may be paraphrasing.

The puzzles are boring, the dialogue is boring, you have to repeat puzzles a lot because they don’t explain how the puzzles work, and most of the downtime between puzzles is filled with quickly timed events. Due to the low number of checkpoints, you often have to redo several rooms several times.

6. Cat Lady (2004)

Not unlike the movie of the same name, cat lady fared extremely poorly with critics and players alike.

Truly awful voice acting coupled with seemingly faulty camera controls and a one button fighting style until you win made this game easy to pass up.

5. Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game (1995)

In the gaming industry there is an unfortunate expectation that a video game made to fit a movie will be bad. So what happens when a movie is created from a video game – which is then turned into a video game itself? It’s like a Start from bad video games.

This soulless shell of a game lacks even the most basic things that Street Fighter II had its charm. Seeing Dhalsim stretch-punch or Ryu-throw Hadoukens is timeless, but it’s just painful to see digitized versions of the actors playing these characters doing the same thing.

4. James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game (2009)

Picture this: you just saw Avatar in theaters, and it was an amazing journey through what cinematic effects can look like in 2009. You can’t get over how cool the fight scenes were, how beautiful the scenery was, or how complicated the sex-hair thing was. So rush to your local store and spy on a copy of Avatar: the game. It should look just as good, right?

While the game tackles events leading up to the movie, expanding the knowledge of the world a bit, the graphics looked awful – I can think of a few late-gen PS2 games that looked nicer – the gameplay was dull and repetitive , made worse by the linear paths you have to walk in the game.

3. Evil Dead: Hail to the King

I can’t imagine watching Evil Dead 2have a great time, and then pick up this game and try to play through it. Hail to the king misses almost everything that made Evil Dead 2 or army of darkness work, instead trying to recreate some action-horror games that came out before it.

Fixed camera angles are fine in some games, but the game has to be built around them in order to work. This game has problems with enemies flooding you and you can’t handle them because of the camera perspectives.

2. Any Shrek game that isn’t Shrek SuperSlam

I don’t really have the energy to go into why all but one of the Shrek games are bad. In short, they are slow-paced, have game-breaking bugs, are boring and contain repetitive gameplay. Instead, I want to focus on why SuperSlam is a great game.

SuperSlam is technically a bad game, in terms of gameplay and execution. It’s a broken platform/arena fighter, with several characters that can bond into ‘infinite’ combos that just generally make it unpleasant – in theory.

What makes it fun is that a whole competitive esports community has sprung up around the broken game, figuring out how the game works within how broken it is. To this day, tournaments are held online, with new players joining in to try and win.

1. Aliens: Colonial Marines (2013)

This is a pain for me, personally. Alien is such a cool series, with a lot of lore and a lot of good horror sequences – Alien: Isolation might be my favorite movie tie-in-game because of how oppressive and well-done the horror in that game is. Enter Colonial Marines: A game with a broken AI, to the point where Aliens walk past you trying to figure out their path, or get caught up in level geometry because the developers couldn’t figure out the hitbox collision. The graphics were extremely dull for their time, especially when you compare it to the alpha images that leaked before release, which looked incredible.

What’s worse, though, is the sheer number of promises the developers made before the release that simply weren’t true. It was a gigantic mess from start to finish, and Alien fans around the world were really disappointed.

Written by Junior Miyai on behalf of GLHF.
