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When you step into Player First Games’ free-to-play fighting game, you’ll want to know a few shackled moves for whoever you decide to play. Why do you need to know this? Well, MultiVersus is not an easy game and making a short combo or two in the game can make all the difference – you don’t need to master these characters to win games. If DC Comics’ Amazon warrior demigod is your favorite character, you can find some of the best MultiVersus Wonder Woman combos here.

Wonder Woman might be a Tank archetype fighter in MultiVersus on paper, but she’s unique in the way she plays a bit like a Bruiser and a bit like an Assassin too. With the sword of Ares, the lasso of truth and other unique attacks, she is not easy to master. However, with the right handful MultiVersus Wonder Woman Combinationsyou can still make light work of your enemies.

So, while you’re checking out the best Wonder Woman perks in MultiVersus, keep reading to learn more about some chained attacks you can use in your next game.

MultiVersus Wonder Woman Combinations

Okay, fighting game fans, let’s start with tacks – whatever that means – and discuss some of the chained attacks you need to know when playing with Wonder Woman. Thanks to fight game content creators like “Nyle”, we’ve got some of the best MultiVersus Wonder Woman combos for you to use below:

  • Side Knockback Combo – Jump, Air Attack (Side), Ground Special (Down), Ground Attack (Side), Ground Attack (Side), Ground Attack (Side)
  • Air Juggle Combo – Jump, Air Strike (Side), Ground Attack (Up), Jump, Air Strike (Up), Air Special (Up)
  • High Damage Upward Ringout Combo – Jump, Air Attack (Side), Ground Attack (Neutral), Ground Special (Neutral), Ground Attack (Up)
  • Lasso Back Melee Combo – Jump, Air Attack (Side), Ground Attack (Neutral), Ground Special (Neutral), Ground Attack (Side), Ground Attack (Side), Ground Attack (Side)

Side Recoil Combo

This Wonder Woman combo is pretty easy to enter, but can be a little harder to land than it looks. However, you don’t have to worry about landing the first of the three ground attack (side) moves that end this recoil combo – you’ll always miss the first one unless you’re very lucky with your enemy’s move.

  • Input on PlayStation: X button, left stick + square button, left stick down + triangle button, left stick + square button, left stick + square button, left stick + square button
  • Input on Xbox: A button, left stick + X button, left stick down + Y button, left stick + X button, left stick + X button, left stick + X button
  • Input on PC: space, A/D key + J key, S key + K key, A/D key + J key, A/D key + J key, A/D key + J button

Air Juggling Combo

This is a classic combo for those of you who want to take advantage of Wonder Woman’s excellent wide-hitting moves. This won’t do as much damage as other juggling combos out there, but it’s good for stacking hits and keeping your opponent guessing – anyway, while they’re in the air.

  • Input on PlayStation: X button, left stick + square button, left stick up + square button, X button, left stick up + square button, left stick up + triangle button
  • Input on Xbox: A button, left stick + X button, left stick up + X button, A button, left stick up + X button, left stick up + Y button
  • Input on PC: space, A/D key + J key, W key + J key, space, W key + J key, W key + K key

MultiVersus Wonder Woman Combos: An image of Wonder Woman jumping with the Lasso of Truth

High Damage Up Ring Out Combo

If you want to get rid of an enemy with a lot of damage, this will be a great Wonder Woman combo to get used to learning. All you need to keep an eye on is make your Lasso of Truth move – this is something you can aim with the left stick or the directional keys as you throw it.

  • Input on PlayStation: X button, left stick + square button, square button, triangle button, left stick up + square button (hold)
  • Input on Xbox: A button, left stick + X button, X button, Y button, left stick up + X button (hold)
  • Input on PC: space, A/D button + J button, J button, K button, W button + J button (hold)

Lasso Back Melee Combo

This is a move somewhat similar to the one above, but focuses more on building damage rather than exploiting an opponent with a lot of damage. Just like above, keep an eye on where your Lasso of Truth move is going and make sure you can land it – there’s a hit on the way out and on the way back, so it’s great to deal even more damage to stack .

  • Input on PlayStation: X button, left stick + square button, square button, triangle button, left stick + square button, left stick + square button. left stick + square button
  • Inputs on Xbox: A button, left stick + X button, X button, Y button, left stick + X button, left stick + X button, left stick + X button
  • Input on PC: space, A/D button + J button, J button, K button, A/D button + J button, A/D button + J button, A/D button + J button

Well, that’s all; we know the above isn’t a full exploration of Wonder Woman’s moveset, but it covers a few bases and should help you win your next game – regardless of which of the MultiVersus maps and stages you play on. If you want to know where we rank Wonder Woman, check out our MultiVersus level list here. This is one of the best fighting games currently available and Wonder Woman is an essential part of it.
