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Just because it’s furry and cuddly doesn’t mean an animal in video games is giving out free pet coupons. Because some animals are, well, animal and humans can do more harm than good if the latter doesn’t set limits. Those are the milder cases when it comes to the majority of video game wildlife. The more extreme case is that animals are bad enough to become villains.

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There’s no shortage of it in video games, it seems. Some are considered “morally” bad because of their destructive instincts, while others are aware of what they are doing and enjoy all the chaos they sow. The following examples of evil video game animals are here to make it clear that they are not here for pets, but pandemonium.


8 Goose – Untitled Goose Game

That damn goose in the Untitled Goose Game isn’t necessarily the bad guy, but it might as well be. During the chill game, the players were always given the task of controlling the goose to cause as much battle as possible in the kingdom of man. Activities include bullying visually impaired people, stealing garden tools and destroying mail and many other pestilences to society.

True, it is the players who carry out this mission at the behest of the game, but it is easily the initiative of the goose, as the completion of these tasks leads to a sense of achievement. One could argue that the goose is but a vessel of its ruler’s urge and lineage to cause anarchy in a society with too many rules, or the goose is just pure evil and wants to do as much harm as possible in its meager form.

7 Goat – Goat Simulator

similar to the goose in the Untitled Goose Gamethe goat in Goat Simulator is not only an agent of anarchy, it is also a surrogate of Satan. There is evidence of this throughout the game, unlike in the Untitled Goose Game where the goose can be ambiguously bad or just neutral. The goat in Goat Simulator is a certified member of a local satanic cult in the game’s small town.

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There’s even a not-so-hidden ritual circle surrounded by other goat members waiting for the player goat’s arrival to become the harbinger of hell. Not much happens after completing the ritual, though; it could also just be nothing more than a metal band spiraling out of control, but as the goat destroys everything it touches, all roads lead to doom.

6 Alduin – Skyrim

What? Dragons are animals. They are often classified as overgrown, fire-breathing, and flying reptiles. Most are quite animalistic in Skyrim at. Their hierarchy rules and lack of social structure do not distinguish them much from the typical violent mud crab. In any case, Alduin is the most powerful and therefore the most destructive among them.

His other title is literally the World Eater, where he runs around in charge of dominions simply because he can and because he is the first dragon. In the Nordic pantheon, Alduin is also considered the God of destruction. If he hadn’t accidentally given the Dragonborn some powers, he would have come to rule Skyrim and destroy anyone who dares to oppose him.

5 Zombie Dog – Resident Evil

Some evil animals are not evil by choice. Many of them were simply victims of circumstances. The best example of this is the zombie dogs in Resident Evil. It exists in one of the most classic jump scares devised in gaming. When players have Jill Valentine walk down a narrow and ominous lighted hallway, one of these zombie dogs will jump out the window, not only to bite Jill’s throat, but also give players a heart attack.

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Suffice it to say the zombie dogs are in Resident Evilprobably inflicted more damage on the player’s psyche than most other evil video game animals. The trauma they bring is persistent enough to invade people’s dreams and also cause a previously non-existent dog phobia.

4 Deathclaw – Fallout Series

In a nuclear wasteland littered with zombies, hulking super mutants and bags of radiation, not much else can pose a threat, right? Well, that is until the players encounter a Deathclaw, which is practically a large walking demon lizard thing – the apex predator of the wasteland.

They are the result of the United States’ greed in the precipitationuniverse. Initially, Deathclaws were intended to be genetically engineered replacements for normal infantry, but the experiment backfired and they escape. Since then, the Deathclaws set out to tear everything apart and rule the wasteland just because they could.

3 Shark – Maneater

Players can be the protagonists in the video game man eater while controlling a great white shark, but that doesn’t mean they are the heroes of the story. If anything, they are the plague of the seas; the shark that players control here seems insatiable and has the metabolism of a meat grinder.

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Inside the target man eater is to swim around vacation shores while munching on as many people as possible. So the game practically tells the players that they must not only ruin everyone’s vacation, but also the lives of their families as they try to cope with the aftermath of a brutal and unwarranted shark attack – assuming they survive.

2 Deviljho – Monster Hunter Series

Speaking of insatiable, hungry beasts, Deviljho in the Monster Hunter mythos is the land version of the shark in maneter. The community has collectively agreed to nickname it “Pickle” for its glossy green build, but make no mistake, the Deviljho is more of a pest than a predator in any environment where it is released.

That’s because it’s the most territorial monster in the game. A Deviljho’s goal or drive is to keep invading areas once the food source runs out; it just so happens that his food sources run out because he is always hungry. Therefore, any ecosystem or human society always has problems with a Deviljho nearby.

1 God Devouring Serpent – Elden Ring

Still, the Deviljho and the man eater the shark’s appetite pales in comparison to the horrors created by Elden Ring. Because one deity animal in that game, called the God-devouring Serpent, lives up to its name. His appetite knows no bounds and consumed and assimilated even one of the most powerful demigods in the game’s lore.

That didn’t stop the God-devouring Serpent; it even turned its gaze to the servants of the demigod. It even got to the point where both travelers and servants to the monster’s chambers were tricked into some sort of insidious food delivery service because the God-devouring serpent is too lazy or heavy to hunt.

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