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The Final Fantasy series is known for the difficulty levels it incorporates into its stories. Enemies will become more challenging as the player progresses along their specified path, but their newfound physical strength can be easily dealt with if playable characters are leveled appropriately.

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While an enemy’s strength is relatively easy to overcome, their magical abilities can often cause problems during the early stages of an attackgame. Some enemies tend to focus largely on inflicting status effects capable of wiping out an entire party if they go into combat unprepared. There are many devastating status effects in Final Fantasybut some are more dangerous than others.

10 sleep

Sleep will probably be one of the first status effects you encounter Final Fantasy game because of how easy it is to counter. Those who experience its effects will not act in battle and will instead remain motionless while multiple “z”s float above them.

It can be negated when the inflicted party member is struck with a physical attack, so most uses of the spell carry little threat. Only when confronted by an enemy who relies solely on magic will the true dangers be revealed. Magic-affected characters aren’t awakened from their deep sleep, so it’s vital to remedy the sleep effect during encounters like this one.

9 Poison

As the name suggests, the Poison Effect slowly damages those affected over time. It takes away a different amount of HP depending on the item it’s in, but there’s no point denying the danger it poses in each of its images.

if Final Fantasy 7Cloud falls victim to Poison’s effects, he will take damage equal to 1/32 of his maximum HP per turn. This may not seem like much, but Poison teams up with an attacker, often leading to a party’s quick demise.

8 Path

Path is perhaps the most bizarre status effect present in the Final Fantasy series. When cast, it turns the ones it targets into a little green frog, and while it seems far less dangerous than most of the other effects in the series, its associated limitations are more than capable of destroying the party.

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As a frog, the afflicted’s power is reduced to their base damage, while their ability to use magic is then banned. The best way to nullify Frog’s effects is to use a Maiden’s Kiss on the patient, but this won’t prevent them from getting Toad inflicted shortly after they fix the problem.

7 Stone

After participating in Operation Mi’ihen, Tidus and his companions will travel to the Djose Temple to pray for a new Aeon. Their journey is short, but the monsters blocking the way can make the journey much more difficult.

The Basilisk enemy found on this path will pose a major threat at this point in the story due to its ability to inflict the feast with Stone, an unpredictable spell that can immobilize its target. It can also banish a character from battle if the damage it deals is higher than a party member’s current HP.

6 Berserk

The Berserk ailment can be as much a blessing as it is a curse, depending on the situation in which it is used. If thrown on a magical opponent, its Berserk status will cause the affected person to attack using only physical abilities.

Under the influence of the Berserk effect, the damage output of the character will increase. This is beneficial if the party heavy hitter is exposed to them, but the white mage will become completely useless if hit. It’s a deceptively dangerous status, so healing it should be the player’s first main goal if it’s unwanted. The Berserker Dressphere in Final Fantasy X-2 also allows Yuna to use Berserk’s advantages in combat.

5 Juice

Similar to the Poison status effect, Sap can drain the HP of those it is cast on. It can reduce a party member’s health much faster than poison can, making it one of the deadliest ailments in the entire world. Final Fantasy series.

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Final Fantasy 12The reveal of the Sap effect sees it dealing as much as 10 points of damage per second. While this may not seem like much compared to the thousands of HP that Vaan and his comrades will have when they first encounter it, it can easily decimate a party if inflicted while their HP is low.

4 Disease

Illness is one of Final Fantasy‘s most dangerous statuses ever created. It was introduced in Final Fantasy 9 to prevent a character from gaining experience after a battle has ended, but its implementation in Final Fantasy 12 saw that it posed a much more deadly danger.

Those who contract this infamous condition will find that healing items no longer have any effect. This is due to Disease’s ability to make a character’s current HP to their overall maximum. When combined with Sap status, Disease will leave the afflicted with an incurable maximum HP of 1.

3 Zombie

The battle with Seymour Flux on top of Mount Gagazet provides the first use of Zombie in Final Fantasy 10. During the fight, Seymour will use his Lance of Atrophy ability on a single party member. The victim of his attack begins to glow green, revealing that they are now under the influence of Zombie.

Many will initially ignore the fluorescent appearance of their party members, but they will quickly learn the mistake of doing so when trying to heal them. Healing items used on a character suffering from Zombie will now deal damage, making the Holy Water item the only way to neutralize its effects.

2 To confuse

Confusion isn’t an overly difficult status effect to counter, but most players will experience it during the later stages of a Final Fantasy game. When confused, the party member will mistake friend for foe and start attacking his own comrades.

Like Sleep, the Confuse effect can be remedied by simply attacking the affected party member, but sometimes the player is forced to do so even if they don’t want to. Inside the Omega ruins in Final Fantasy 10 lurks the Marlboro, a terrifying foe who can confuse the entire party. The player will likely have leveled up their characters in preparation for this dungeon, but thanks to Confuse, their newfound power can quickly lead them to untimely demise.

1 Full break

When used by Auron, the Full Break ability allows the player to reduce an enemy’s buffs. Those who are prone to it will find that their strength, armor, mental, and magic points are all reduced, making them much easier to defeat.

Unfortunately for the player, Auron is not the only character in the game that can cause this effect. Many high level enemies will have an attack that causes Full Break and the only way to fix it is to throw Dispel on those affected. Removing Full Break requires someone to sacrifice their buffs, further emphasizing how dangerous it can be.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is available on PC, PS4 and PS5.

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