While persona 6 is probably years away from release, there’s no shortage of potential routes it could go. From humble rural towns in the Japanese countryside to the bustle of modern Tokyo, the franchise has crafted captivating stories in a plethora of locations. The next entry will likely be no different, with plenty of character interactions along the way to keep the game populated. Confidential counselors and social links in Persona 5 and 4 respectively make up a large portion of the running time, so it’s vital to have personalities worthy of the long dialogue.
There are some themes carried throughout the series, with a high school age protagonist, Igor’s disturbing presence, and wacky, unexpected side characters fleshing out each game’s story. Great characters are a must, and persona 6 will have to live up to the high expectations that fans have aroused. Some are overbearing but sweet to the cast, and others are much more flighty with their looks. Not all characters that can be interacted with are humans. Animals play a major role in Personaand the sixth main game will probably include them as well.
Personas history with animal characters
Despite all the storytelling developer Atlus has refined over the years, it’s not afraid to lean on more eccentric and strange ways to tell a great story. Persona 3 is where many think the franchise has taken off, with a handful Persona 5core systems and narrative structures introduced in 2006, but this is also true PersonaThe frequent use of animals began. Koromaru, a small gray Shiba Inu, was a key member of SEES after being introduced as a stray early on. Inspired by Hachiko, the faithful dog who patiently waited for his master’s return outside Shibuya Station for eight years, Koromaru shows his best qualities throughout Persona 3.
persona 4 is a bit more experimental with its animal collaborators. The game follows the set path by introducing a friendly, loyal fox to the story. The main character meets him at a shrine in the shopping district and befriends him – should the player choose to return. From there, he can help the research team by helping in dungeons by boosting SP. The other animal-like main character is Teddie, a curious companion who is based on a stuffed animal rather than a real animal. It quickly becomes more complex than appears at first glance, which is one of the persona 4the strangest side stories.
Morgana’s presence in Persona 5
Morgana is the mascot of Persona 5, and players will immediately develop a love-hate relationship with the cat. The main character finds him locked in Kamoshida’s Palace, and after being freed Morgana comes across as arrogant, obsessed and easily overconfident. Its development everywhere Persona 5 is one of the strongest plots to follow as he is humiliated over time and accepts his fate. Morgana is a crucial part of the Phantom Thieves.
Narrative, Morgana rests somewhere between Teddie and the Fox of persona 4. He’s a character met in the cognitive world and can be used in combat like Teddie, but in the real world his feline aesthetic makes him feel more akin to the Fox or Koromaru in the real world. Persona 3. Morgana is the signboard for Persona 5 as Teddie is for the fourth game, and as the franchise looks to the future, Morgana’s shoes will have to be filled. This has to be in a way that feels really different, as Teddie and Morgana had too many similarities to call the latter ever innovative.
Persona 6 ‘Potential Influence of Animals’
Little may be known about persona 6but a few elements are safe to assume. PersonaThe tried-and-true combat system, emphasis on side characters, and a Japan-focused setting are staples, and an animal sidekick has been commonplace since the third game. a new Persona game with an all-human cast would feel like something is missing, so it would be wise to find a new and inventive way to seamlessly bring an animal into the herd.
Teddie and Morgana are introduced similarly, and both have the narrative convenience-memory enemy events prior to the start of the game. persona 6 must develop the formula with a different origin story, and with a strain that fits the tone of the game. Having animals as an additional character in the battle and story at hand provides huge benefits, making the game’s already abstract storytelling all the more fun because there’s more diversity. Any party member in any Persona game is important for the atmosphere, but it is crucial that they are introduced in the right way. Persona does so much different with each new release, and it should bring animals into the story with more focus than Morgana’s introduction to cookie cutter.
Animals have had a huge influence on the Persona series, and this should absolutely continue in the sixth main game. However, the upcoming title should learn from how Person 3, 4, and 5 implemented, leveraging its strengths and refining its weaknesses to make each animal’s inclusion more memorable.
persona 6 is under development.