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Despite never officially going beyond a purely platonic relationship in the actual games, Link and Princess Zelda of the Legend of Zelda series are widely regarded as one of the most popular couples in all games. There’s just something incredibly compelling about the relationship between a wise princess and a courageous young hero that sparks the imagination of fans around the world.

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This, of course, has led to the creation of many memes on the subject. The following is a collection of some of the most wholesome memes about Zelda and Link’s relationship to be found on the internet, whether heartwarming or funny. This is by no means all-inclusive, it’s just a sampling of the best that social media has to offer.


7 Class for couples

This 4-panel strip was created by Adam Ellis. This is an excellent example of a comedic meme about the relationship between Zelda and Link. Zelda tells Link that she signed them up for a couples class to help their relationship. Link is initially a big believer in this idea until Zelda reveals that the class in question is a pottery class, at which point Link has a hideous look on his face.

This prank works on multiple levels. First, the fact that most men don’t like pottery making and would avoid it like the plague if they could. Second, Link is known for constantly destroying pots in the Zelda series. Needless to say, Link isn’t very suitable for this particular activity.

6 Origin Story Link and Zelda are too pure for this world

This meme was posted to r/zelda by the user CompleteSpinich9. Although Link and Zelda never officially became a couple in the game, it is often strongly suggested that the two have romantic feelings for each other. Nowhere is this clearer than in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Swordwhich features copious amounts of romantic tension between the two leads.

At several points, the game seemed to intentionally tease fans about the possibility of them getting together, only to make something happen to prevent it at the last minute. This meme more or less sums up fans’ attitudes towards the whole situation because they just want them to kiss already.

This meme was created by @theNebulace. Presented in a modern anime style, this 4-panel comic shows Link and Zelda flirting unobtrusively. The interaction between the two is just adorable in this one.

Each is essentially trying to compliment the other by embarrassing both. It is certainly capable of showing a lot of romantic tension between the two.

4 Response from Zelda

Several variations of this meme exist which first appeared on the Japanese art-sharing site pixiv in 2021. Unfortunately, the original maker is unknown. They all feature different versions of Princess Zelda responding to something said to them.

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This particular version shows how they would each respond to the “I love you” message (presumably by Link). This shows well how Zelda’s personality has varied over the course of different games, ranging from the cheerful demeanor of Skyward Sword Zelda to the Stoic of Twilight Princess Zelda.

This meme was created by Omocat. Often there are many different things that can draw two people together. What may be seen as an attractive quality by one person may be repulsive to another. This meme shows this dynamic.

Both Link and Zelda are asked why they like each other. Zelda’s answer is a long description of all of Link’s positive attributes, while for Link it’s something as simple as the fact that Zelda laughs at all his jokes. The way this meme is presented makes it incredibly funny with Zelda appearing happy but childish and Link appearing scared.

This meme was posted by u/IlovemyJoJo on the r/zelda subreddit, although it makes extensive use of official artwork for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This meme highlights the absurdity of Link’s many misadventures. In it, Link and Zelda are chatting while Link tells her about his bizarre adventures in Zora’s domain.

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What makes this meme work is the fact that Link doesn’t seem to see anything out of the ordinary in what’s being said, while Zelda seems thoroughly confused. In her defense, most people would probably be just as confused if one of their friends casually told them they married a fish lady.

1 Cosplay But Make It A Meme

This meme was created and performed by MissPixelCosplay and was posted on the r/ZeldaMemes Subreddit. This one pokes fun at how, in Zelda games, Link never seems to be in much of a hurry to save Zelda.

He will often spend hours or even days doing minor side missions and exploring every last corner of the map looking for small collectibles rather than actually doing what he’s supposed to do. Here you see Zelda trapped in a cage and looking quite furious because Link still hasn’t come to her rescue.

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