Players who love Dragon Ball Z can finally create their dream teams in Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle, an action game that combines the elements of color-matched titles with the intensity of fighting games. More importantly, this Dragon Ball Z title lets players mix and match characters of their choosing to create powerful teams, allowing them to team up Goku with villains like Majin Buu and even Frieza in groups that the series would probably never make it to.
However, given the opportunity to buy packs that offer hugely powerful characters, it’s probably a question for some players to wonder if there’s even a way to make a decent enough team using only free-to-play characters. Fortunately, the game offers ways to create F2P teams that can actively compete with some of the meta teams in the title. But which teams have the resources to make it happen?
7 Short Spurt Android Saga
It was around the Android Saga that fans learn not only that Goku survived, but that Vegeta achieved his Super Saiyan form through training, and that he has a son, Trunks, who came from the future. It is this rather strange combination that Dokkan Battle players may want to use as an F2P build, with Short Spurt Android Saga be a pretty powerful team lineup. At its core, players would like to use this team for fast-paced combat due to their powerful energy attacks, as many of its units lose their power over time. With the right combos, this team can become a great go-to for farming sessions.
Technique and inspiration Krillin -
Invincible Battle Form Supper Vegeta/Super Trunks -
Answers found during training Super Saiyan Goku/Super Saiyan Gohan -
Awakened Saiyan Blood Super Saiyan Vegeta -
float 1:
Alternate Ending Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) -
float 2:
Unshakable Will and Renewed Power Super Saiyan Goku
6 Grand Saiyaman and Majin Buu
The Majin Buu Saga in the Original Dragon Ball Z series serves as the final arc, and here fans would see Gohan grow into a grown teenager and even take on a superhero identity: the Great Saiyaman. In Dokkan Battlefans get a taste of Gohan’s growth in this Grand Saiyaman and Majin Buu team, a surprisingly powerful F2P team players could acquire. Their synergies are surprisingly good, with his Goku unit serving as his main fighter with his signature Kamehameha, while Great Saiyaman 1 & 2 serving as his vanguard damage immersion. Units in the team are:
Unstoppable Battle SSJ Goku (Angel) -
Brave Couple Gohan (Teen) & Videl -
Burning Love and Burning Justice Great Saiyaman 1 & 2 -
Spirited Golden Warrior Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) -
float 1:
Smallest top hero Vegito (Candy) -
float 2:
Seeping Battle Super Saiyan Trunks (Kid)
5 Universe 6 Balance
In the tournament of power in Dragon Ball Super, fans are treated to a ravishing array of fighters from various alternate universes, with Universe 6 being a pretty close counterpart to that of Earth. Players of Dokkan Battle can actually use many units from this era in the Universe 6 Balance team, an F2P team with a remarkable balance that can help players during the early parts of the endgame. At its core, Vados can boost the team’s overall ATK and DEF and debuff the enemies of the same stats. Meanwhile, Cabba and Hit become the team’s general damage dealers, while Saonel and Pirina become tanks with their support techniques. Here is the recommended setup:
Final Path Vados -
Power of Pride and Bonds Super Saiyan 2 Cabba -
Well sharpened mind and body Super Saiyan 2 Kale -
Silent bloodthirsty hit -
float 1:
In the name of survival Saonel & Pirina -
float 2:
Battle Lust Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla
4 Super Saiyan Blue Domination
It was the Super Saiyan Blue transformation in Dragon Ball Super that rocked the Dragon Ball fandom in his first appearance as it seems that Goku can’t stop achieving more transformations. As fans remember, it was SSJ4 Gogeta who at the time of dragonball GT, was the strongest of Goku and Vegeta’s forms. In turn, it makes sense for fans of Dokkan Battle want to make a build of these Super Saiyan forms. Satisfying, Super Saiyan Blue Domination is an F2P team that makes practical use of these combinations, giving a team a decent balance between ATK and DEF, provided they stack their bonuses correctly. Units for this build are:
All or Nothing Super Saiyan God SS Vegito -
Watchers Of The Cosmos Supreme Kai -
Holy Ambush West Supreme Kai -
The strongest Berus of the fictional universe (Monaka costume) -
float 1:
The Power of a God Unleashed Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta -
float 2:
Becoming a Furious God Super Saiyan God SS Goku
3 Hybrid Saiyan Cuteness
At the beginning of Dragon Ball ZIt was Gohan’s appearance that left fans in awe of the potential a Hybrid Saiyan could achieve. As such, the chemistry between cocky Trunks and cheerful Goten became very apparent during the Majin Buu Saga, especially during their time as Gotenks. In turn, fans of Dokkan Battle who want a build made up entirely of Hybrid Saiyans can find a handy F2P build at Hybrid Saiyan Cuteness. In this build, Pan serves as the primary tank and healer, with Trunks and Goten being the team’s biggest damage dealers. Here is the arrangement of units:
Young Saiyan Descendant Super Saiyan Vegeta Jr. -
Wings spread to the Cosmos Pan (GT) (Honey) -
Little Great Saiyaman Of Mystery Trunks (Kid) (Great Saiyaman) -
Confidence Seeping Battle Super Saiyan Trunks (Kid) -
float 1:
Curiosity Filled Battle Super Saiyan Goten (Kid) -
float 2:
Super Ghost Prank Super Saiyan Gotenks & Ghost
2 Vegeta’s family
Vegeta is no slouch when it comes to showing his pride as the Prince of Saiyans, especially to his rival Goku. As such, it makes sense for Vegeta’s own lineage in Dragon Ball to be one of the most powerful in the universe. Consists primarily of Vegeta, Trunks, Bulla and his descendant Vegeta Jr., players of Dokkan Battle can make Vegeta’s family as a quite competent F2P option to aid them in most battles. This aggressive build is perfect for players who want a fast, offensive take on combat with their techniques. These are the most crucial components:
Invincible Battle Form Supper Vegeta/Super Trunks -
The Power of a God Unleashed Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta -
Alternate Ending Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) -
Little Great Saiyaman Of Mystery Trunks (Kid) (Great Saiyaman) -
float 1:
Awakened Saiyan Blood Super Saiyan Vegeta -
float 2:
Young Saiyan Descendant Super Saiyan Vegeta Jr.
1 Goku’s family
It might be Goku and his family that will become the highlight of him Dragon Ball journey, and there’s no doubt that it’s in Goku’s bloodline where some of the strongest fighters in the universe lie. After all, who could forget Goku and Gohan’s father-and-son Kamehameha against Cell? Fans of Goku’s ancestry in Dokkan Battle will love the Goku’s family team, as many F2P options can actually make for a competent Goku-focused build. At its core, SSJ Goku will be a tank here due to its soaked damage, while Pan can guarantee survivability through healings. Here are other components from Goku’s family that make for a great build:
Awakened Saiyan Blood Super Saiyan Vegeta -
Unshakable Will and Renewed Power Super Saiyan Goku -
Courage Awakened Super Saiyan Goku Jr. -
Wings spread to the Cosmos Pan (GT) (Honey) -
float 1:
Becoming a Furious God Super Saiyan God SS Goku -
float 2:
Hope for growth Gohan (Kid)
Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle was released on January 30, 2015, for Android and iOS.