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dead is a hardcore survival shooter set in a vast open world for a player to explore. Besides knowing how to build a base or collect a fair amount of food and water, survivors will encounter other players on their travels, and not all of them will be so friendly.

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Having the right pistol or melee weapon for meeting with others will make the player the one to run away from his enemies. With so many weapons to choose from, it’s no surprise that some of these weapons rank higher than others, while others are better left alone.


10 A simple ax in difficult times

Melee weapons in a shooter game are incredibly undesirable, especially late in the game, but those just starting out and wanting a replacement for the blade they usually fall with will want to consider the axe.

Axes are also multi-purpose as a player needs one to chop wood to build their own bases, which is why it doesn’t hurt to have one. It can also save the player’s life in a moment of panicky battles that are way too close for comfort.

9 Close Quarter Combat Master P900

Following on from frenzied close quarters combat, players who have mastered their fears, or are more daring than others, may want to equip themselves with a weapon with which to rush opponents.

It can often be found in cargo drops and helicopter crates or purchased from an itinerant trader for $260,000. The P900 has a high rate of fire which makes it great for fast close combat, not to mention its recoil pattern which is one of the best which prevents players from losing so many bullets.

8 The fully customizable UMR 45

Compared to the other weapons on this list, the UMR 45 falls behind when you consider that most enemies a player will face are likely equipped with some type of armor. However, this SMG still greatly benefits from battles that span urban areas where there isn’t much distance between players.

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The UMR 45 is still a desirable weapon because of the number of adjustments a player can make to make this simple weapon better suited to their own playstyle.

7 AR4 is rare but worth it

Players may struggle to get their hands on an AR4, although the AR4 can be found in the usual places like helicopter crates, soldier bases and also soldiers themselves, is one of the least common to show up, and for good reason.

Unlike other assault rifles in its category, the AR4 is by far one of the best for its intense rate of fire, firing a whopping 800 rounds per minute, while also having less recoil than many other options available. This makes it a great choice for playing endgames from dead.

6 Jack of all trades, master of none AK-Mod

Players are likely to encounter other players with the Ak mod equipped, it is one of the most used weapons in the game mostly due to its versatility to face any battle with confidence. There’s nothing wrong with this assault rifle.

However, as suggested, this also means that the gun doesn’t excel at anything either. A player will want to find another weapon to use in addition to the AK mod, which excels in an area, so that they can gain the upper hand.

5 Start and stay with the S85

Players will most likely encounter the S85 as one of their first weapons to pick up. Mainly because of how common it is to find them on weak NPC enemies like bandits, as well as in mission crates and soldier bases.

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While many of the other rifles may outdo this bolt action for their distance, the S85 is still a great weapon to pick up. Specializing in medium range combat, this is where he excels most, taking down an enemy in just 2 shots.

4 The Ranged Terror of the VSD

The VSD is as rare as the AR4, but far more deadly to a distant opponent. This sniper rifle is seen as one of the tallest weapons in the game, although up close it may not seem that likely. Mainly because of its poor handling and large frame, which makes it more difficult to use around doorways and the like.

This makes the VSD much better for remote sniping, which is often used during missions. However, it’s still a great weapon choice in PVP, as long as the wielder has the skill to use it.

3 Team Wiper Scorpio

Speed ​​up the rules of distance again, as the Scorp is known for quickly taking out enemy teams. Many players skilled enough with this SMG have the ability, if they’re lucky, to take down a team of four of their own.

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They owe that to the Scorpio’s rate of fire, because it’s… Deadside’ssecond fastest gun. Players will not want to use this weapon alone, which is why it is better to use it as a secondary weapon than as a primary power.

2 Brutal hits with the N4

As the one and only shotgun on this list, the N4 is not a weapon to be taken lightly. shotguns inside dead have the ability to kill an enemy instantly as long as the player is close.

Players will want to use this semi-automatic shotgun in urban areas where players are crowded together to get the most damage from using their shotgun. The only downside to this weapon, minus the lack of range, is its slow loading time, which may leave a player open to attack.

1 The AK-SU’s heavy shots hit hard

Players will never run out of ammunition for this assault rifle as there are tons of them on the map, but this is just one advantage of the AK-SU. This automatic carbine has the power to kill an unarmored enemy at close range with just 3 hits, and an armored one for 6.

This makes the AK-SU another great option for those hoping to run in and attack, although it becomes much less lethal at a distance and much harder to handle with its poor recoil.

dead is available on PC.

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