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Video games can take players to different worlds with settings that are captivating to the eye. They also have stories and music that entice players to want to play for another hour just to sleep to have a few more moments of immersion.

This is what great video games do. Beautiful video games can introduce worlds that put players into a trance. The games in this list don’t have to be pretty in a general sense. The games will be different in style and presentation. This list includes games that have managed to do the best job in putting all their artistic elements together.


10/10 Flower

Flower is aesthetically pleasing as it allows the player to control a petal using the wind. On the PlayStation 3, the game centered around using the controls to control the wind and this was surprisingly calm and intuitive.

As the petal of the player progresses through the different levels of the game, there are different objectives. The player encounters many objectives that aim to make gloomy worlds vibrant and full of color. That along with the soundtrack provided by the game makes for an immersive experience that requires no words to tell its elegiac story.

9/10 Subnautics

While Subnautica doesn’t have a story as captivating to follow as many other games on this list, it still has some of the most beautiful locations a game could offer. The story serves more to guide players through beautiful biomes and some of the logs can be interesting.

A large percentage of this game takes place under water and it takes great advantage of that. This can send deep shivers down the spine for many players. The underwater creatures look huge and both those that are peaceful and carnivorous have a unique design. The use of different underwater biomes is beyond imagination with areas that can only be realized in the environment. The game is really beautiful.

8/10 Bastion

Bastion takes place in a world that has been completely dismantled. This gives it an artistic flair unlike anything players may have played. The ground forms as the Bastion moves through levels. Much of what makes the game’s textures interesting is that the environments were 2D and digitally painted. The characters, on the other hand, are 3D and use textures similar to their backgrounds.

The story also has many great twists that are enough to make players happy that they want to hear more. While the story isn’t bad, it isn’t great either and the soundtrack isn’t too memorable.

7/10 Elden Ring

Elden Ring takes everything much of the souls series has done and makes the perfect spiritual successor. The gameplay has more choice in how to experience the difficulty of the game. In its style, it also occupies the number one spot in what can be done with FromSoftware games. Elden Ring’s imaginative ability comes from his world building. It’s bigger than ever and offers locations and character designs that are as appealing as ever.

The story is one that players should look for. If players take the time to check it out, it’s as enticing as an excellent book. For those who don’t read this, it might be hard to get into. With or without looking deep into the story, the mystery that fills the air of the game is still there. The design of the game and the secrecy of what is to come, accompanied by a beautiful score, is enough to attract the attention of any player.

6/10 Kingdom Hearts 2

The Kingdom Hearts series has spectacular worlds in every title. Kingdom Hearts 2 has Twilight Town, which is by far one of the most beautiful worlds in gaming. It feels like a dreamy world with the way the music is intertwined with the stunning yellows, browns and golds of Twilight Town’s setting and the secrets it hides. That said, the beauty of Kingdom Hearts 2 comes from more than what the planets have to offer. However, their unique art styles, such as the style reminiscent of an original Disney cartoon, are astonishing.

The bond that Riku and Sora cultivate is one full of positivity. The game also has a message about having heart and being there for the people that players love. The story may be a little cheesy at times, but is genuine when taken with an open mind.

5/10 Bioshock

Bioshock is a game guided by its design. The ostentatious Art Deco style it implemented in a deep-sea paradise draws attention. It is a deep sea post-apocalyptic moving work of art. The setting itself is already a dichotomy. It puts the symbolism of classism and addiction in the face of the player with its visuals.

The story follows in the footsteps of the setting as it is delineated from mainstream narrative tropes. The plot keeps players guessing in a way that causes things to move forward but never be there. This is because the game keeps a layer of mystery about it. It does this to the end. The game as a whole makes for an almost flawless, action-packed mystery experience. The way it propels its story and uses its settings as an enigmatic backdrop is strangely beautiful.

4/10 Hades

Hades has a pen-and-ink art style reminiscent of pen-and-ink art, and art director Jen Zee took that into account when approaching the video game’s art style. This makes everything from the settings, the characters and the enemies intriguing to watch.

The story also has a lot going for it in terms of setting up conversations with characters that always remain intriguing. The drama brought up with the main character and his father is what initially introduces intrigue and recognizability. The story is pushed further when interesting characters are introduced. This game keeps players hooked as it is a reward in itself to go to a new environment and experience it along with new lines of dialogue.

3/10 god of war

God of War has some of the most stunning locations to watch. Some may argue that the enemy variety was not scarce, but it made sense for many of those enemies in the realms Kratos traveled to. The battles are still cinematic masterpieces, but unlike the older titles, the story immediately has a lot more to offer.

Players will bond more closely with Kratos as they see the emotions he has for both his son and his late wife. The writing is impeccable with both the character design and world building being placed pleasantly without a single issue. Stylistically, this is one of the best looking games out there. The locations feel like paintings that easily get lost in all directions.

2/10 undertale

Undertale took turn-based combat and revolutionized it in a way that hasn’t been repeated in the same way since. The hallmark of including a way to pacifistically beat the game is partly what makes this game sane and so high on this list.

The narrative options given to the player depending on how they play are unique, funny and moving. The 8-bit art in character design and some of the artistic choices Undertale makes later in the game are diverse. The music also features songs that give players the feeling of being in a forgotten land or an epic, life-changing battle. Overall, this game looks simple, but the complex is beautiful because it will make most players feel something.

1/10 The last of us

The last of us. Hearing the name sends many people into a nostalgic mindset that starts with some impressive acoustic music the game presents. The plot from start to finish deals with writing that well deserved the 2014 Writers Guild of America Award for Achievement in Video Game Writing.

Aside from the story, the locations the characters must traverse and the enemies they face add to the mind-boggling nature of the game. The world was really made for the characters who live in it. Both the story and the battles feed each other and create a connection between the player and the characters. Players will feel like they have witnessed a playable movie when they finish this game.