We have some great interviews on TheGamer, from Roger Clark to John Romero to Maggie Robertson. The latter has doubled in size since Robertson is best known for her turn as Resident Evil’s Big Woman. However, this interview blows them all out of the water – meet Murtaugh, the cat from Stray. Technically the cat that inspired the cat from Stray, but still. He is very important.

TheGamer: So Murtaugh, thank you for joining us. It must be pretty hectic right now, I bet?

Murtaugh: Meow meow meow meow.

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TG: Thanks, you look great too. Anyway, I’m sure it must be exciting to be the star of your own video game?


M: Mieeeeow meow meow.

TG: I don’t agree anymore. Video games are a collaborative art form and no one can truly be the star of a project that requires the efforts of hundreds. Still, there was talk of a Best Performance gong at The Game Awards. Any thoughts on that?

M: Meow meow meow meow meow meow.

TG: Interesting. I don’t think it matters if Christopher Judge is allergic to cats, as the votes are pre-counted.

M: Meeeeeeeeewwwwww meow.

TG. That’s true. At least you can make him very uncomfortable at night. What about the game of the year? Do you see Stray there as a dark horse?

M: Meeeeeeeee.

TG: Right. Dark cat.

M: Meeeoww meow meow meeeoowww meeowww.

TG: It’s true, as all games come to see themselves as a legitimate art form and value story and innovation more, the biggest, most expensive games still win all the prizes.

M: Meow meow meow meow.

TG: I suppose it highlights the ways in which gaming still feels creatively bankrupt despite all our progress. Can I just check if the name Murtaugh comes from Lethal Weapon, right? Have you ever felt like you’re getting too old for this shit?

M: Meow meow meow meow.

TG: Oh, it’s based on the It’s Always Sunny version, I understand. Let’s move on to some broader topics. What do you think are some of the biggest problems in gaming today?

M: [Murtaugh licks his asshole. I assume this is a reference to Bobby Kotick]

TG: Good point, well made, Murtaugh. What about the indie scene? Stray feels like one of those games that falls in between what we think of as ‘indie’ and ‘triple-A’. Is it part of the oft-overlooked ‘double-A’ group?

M: Meeoooww meeeoww meow meow.

TG: Very honest. These terms are largely meaningless marketing fluff and the most important thing in game development is that the workers are treated fairly and get an even cut of the profits they helped create.

M: Meow meow meow meow.

TG: Death to tyrants indeed. I think we’re almost ready to wrap up, so before we go, do you have any top tips for Stray completers?

M: Meeeeeoooooww meow meeeeeow meow.

TG: Perfect, I’ll remember that. One last thing before we go. I feel something special in the air, Murtaugh. Is this the best interview of your career?

M: [Murtaugh stretches and purrs pleasingly. I take this as a noise of agreement]

TG: Thanks Murtaugh. You’re sweet to say that. Good luck with the game launch.

Note: The interview may or may not have been conducted with a random ginger cat I met on the street.

Next: Farewell Red Dead Online